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Ticker: ALTUV
ISIN: FR0013345493

Successful transaction for the sale of 1,395,962 shares in BIO-UV Group by its majority shareholder, Benoît Gillmann - Appointment of Laurent-Emmanuel Migeon as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BIO-UV Group

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Successful transaction for the sale of 1,395,962 shares in BIO-UV Group by its majority shareholder, Benoît Gillmann

Total demand representing 118% of the initial offering


Appointment of Laurent-Emmanuel Migeon as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BIO-UV Group


BIO-UV Group (Euronext Growth® - FR001334549 - ALTUV), a specialist in water treatment and disinfection using UV, ozone, salt electrolysis and AOP, (the “Company”), announces that it has been informed by EURL BGH[1], the majority shareholder in BIO-UV Group, owned by its founder and manager, Benoît Gillmann, of the sale of 1,395,962 shares in BIO-UV Group (the “Transaction”), i.e. its entire holding representing 13.49% of the share capital and 23.74% of the voting rights in the Company, for a price of €4.60 per share.

EURL BGH sold 1,365,035 shares in BIO-UV Group to French and European institutional investors via a placement through an accelerated book building (“ABB”) process (the “Placement”). The Placement was highly successful with overall demand representing 118% of the initial offering.

Settlement-delivery for the sold shares is expected to take place on 3rd March 2023.

Parallel to this, in accordance with the put option agreement signed with EURL BGH, Laurent-Emmanuel Migeon, the newly appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BIO-UV Group, has committed to acquiring 30,927 shares in BIO-UV Group that are currently held by EURL BGH, representing 0.30% of the Company's[2] share capital, using his own funds and bank financing, under the same conditions as the Placement.

Upon completion of the Transaction, EURL BGH will cease to hold any shares in BIO-UV Group.


Change in BIO-UV Group's governance structure

As a result of this Transaction, new institutional investors can invest in BIO-UV Group. The Transaction also helps to increase the Company's free float and improve the liquidity of the shares on the Euronext GrowthTM market in Paris.

Laurent-Emmanuel Migeon becomes the Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Benoît Gillmann remains as director of the Company for one year and may, at times, be asked by the Board of Directors to provide assistance with the Company's development under a services agreement.


Benoît Gillmann, founder of BIO-UV Group, said:

After 22 years of loyal service which were dedicated to the development of BIO-UV Group, I have decided to sell my holding in order to focus on other projects and my family. I am proud of what we have achieved as a company over the last two decades and I wish to thank all the people of BIO-UV Group who have been key to our success.

To ensure continuity in governance, I am leaving the Company in the capable hands of
Laurent-Emmanuel Migeon, who has co-managed BIO-UV Group with me for five years, as part of a carefully planned and coordinated transition over several years.

The challenges of water treatment and purification as well as demands for it are immense, vital and urgent. Building on its solid foundations in industry, technologies and sales, I am convinced that BIO-UV Group will harness the considerable potential of its markets.”


Laurent-Emmanuel Migeon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BIO-UV Group, commented:

“I wish to thank all of our investors, whether existing or new shareholders, for their involvement in this transaction. They are indicative of the attractive valuation of the BIO-UV Group stock as well as its growth outlook.

I am honoured to have the opportunity to continue representing BIO-UV Group in its next phases of growth, while maintaining the cohesion and high standards that have formed the strength of this company since its founding by Benoît Gillmann more than 20 years ago.

Against the backdrop of a buoyant market, and as the French government prepares to announce important measures in the coming days through its national water plan to safeguard this vital resource, working alongside Deputy Chief Executive Officer Simon Marshall, and all of our teams, I intend to continue the long-term sustainable and profitable development of BIO-UV Group.”


Financial calendar

Publications Dates
FY 2022 results 3 April 2023
H1 2023 revenue 19 July 2023
H1 2023 results 20 September 2023
2023 annual revenue 24 January 2024
FY 2023 results 3 April 2024

Press release will be published after Euronext Paris market close.


About BIO-UV Group
Founded in 2000, BIO-UV Group designs, manufactures and markets ultraviolet, Ozone, salt electrolysis and AOP (advanced oxidation process) disinfection systems.
Listed on Euronext® Growth - Paris (FR0013345493 - ALTUV), BIO-UV Group has been granted the “Innovative Company” label by Bpifrance and is eligible for the French “PEA-PME” investment scheme.
Detailed information about the company, including information about its business activities and other regulated information and all the Company's press releases is available in the Investors section of its website (


BIO-UV Group
Isabelle Sost
[email protected]
Investors Relations
Mathieu Omnes – ACTUS
+33 (0)1 53 67 36 92
[email protected]
Press Relations
Serena Boni – ACTUS
+33 (0)4 4 72 18 04 92
[email protected]


[1] A company wholly owned by Benoît Gillmann, founder and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer on the launch date of the Transaction in BIO-UV Group's shares.

[2] As at 28 February 2023, Laurent-Emmanuel Migeon holds 6,341 shares in BIO-UV Group, representing 0.06% of its share capital and 0.05% of its voting rights.



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The sale of shares of BIO-UV Group does not constitute a public offer and the shares of BIO-UV Group are only being offered to qualified investors, including in France.

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In France, the offer of shares of BIO-UV Group described in this press release will be carried out through a placement though an accelerated bookbuilding process to qualified investors only, as defined in Article 2(e) of the Prospectus Regulation and in accordance with applicable French laws and regulations. There will be no public offering in any country (including France) in connection with the shares of BIO-UV Group, except to qualified investors only.

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The lead manager and bookrunner is acting on behalf of EURL BGH (to the exclusion of all others) in connection with the placement and will not be liable to any person other than EURL BGH either for warranties given to clients of the lead manager and bookrunner or for advice in connection with the placement.

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