VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS INC. - Follows the bottom of its weekly cloud #Ichimoku - 03/18/2017 (GMT)
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- Chart + One way trading
- Direction : Long/Short/Neutral
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- Long positions above : 51,53
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- Short positions below : 48,8
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- Neutral zone from : 48,8
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- Neutral zone up to : 51,53
- Timeframe : Weekly
Third test of the bottom of the weekly cloud, closes the week on a neutral level inside the cloud where Tenkan & Kijun are confused. We can prepare a swing trading plan in case of exit of this area.
A bullish scenario to target the top of the cloud
A bearish scenario to target a flat SSB extension
A bullish scenario to target the top of the cloud
A bearish scenario to target a flat SSB extension
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