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Ticker: ALSGD
ISIN: FR0011464452

More information about SPINEGUARD

Sector: Health care


Our Mission: SpineGuard’s mission is to help surgeons MAKE SPINE SURGERY SAFER while developing smart devices derived from our DSG™ (Dynamic Surgical Guidance) platform for spine surgery and other musculoskeletal applications in partnership with innovative medical device companies. Our Vision: SpineGuard’s primary objective is to establish the DSG™ technology as a STANDARD OF CARE IN SKELETAL IMPLANT PLACEMENT for the benefit of patients, surgeons, operating room staff, health care providers as well as SpineGuard’s shareholders and partners. Our Approach: A dedicated, cohesive and international team with an ambitious vision, a clear mission, financial discipline and a well-defined roadmap towards the future. Clinical Need: Pedicle screw-based stabilization has become the gold standard for treating spinal instabilities and deformities. Nearly one million spine procedures using pedicle screws are estimated to be performed annually worldwide (I-Data research). Technological advancements such as minimally invasive surgery, bone substitutes, dynamic stabilization and thoracic screws further reiterate the importance of pedicle screw placement in spine surgery. However, accuracy of pedicle screw placement remains a critical issue: According to the latest scientific papers (ref: SpineGuard’s clinical brochure), around 20% of pedicle screws using conventional techniques have been reported as misplaced and around 5% of patients have complications related to misplaced screws requiring a revision surgery. With growing clinical evidence confirming its efficacy, the DSG technology is emerging as the most compelling answer to the clinical needs associated with pedicle screw placement. Close to 55,000 procedures have been performed worldwide with the PediGuard devices. The summary of SpineGuard’s comprehensive compliance program is available upon request. Please e-mail [email protected] for more information. Our Story: Pierre Jérôme and Stéphane Bette founded SpineGuard in January 2009 with the goal of delivering the clinical benefits of the DSG™ (Dynamic Surgical Guidance) technology to as many patients as possible. The PediGuard devices, which incorporate the DSG Technology, are the first and only handheld devices capable of alerting surgeons in real time of potential vertebral cortical wall breaches. Professor Ciaran Bolger, MD PhD and Maurice Bourlion, PhD, co-inventors of the PediGuard with Alain Vanquaethem, are also part of this endeavor. Randal R. Betz, MD, one of the eminent spine surgeons in the US, is one of the early adopters of this technology. He directs SpineGuard’s international clinical study group. Alan Olsen, the founder of Danek Medical Inc., now Medtronic Spine, was elected as SpineGuard’s Chairman of the Board in May 2010. Omnes Capital, IPSA, A Plus Finance and Delta Partners are the four historical financial investors of the company. SpineGuard is a public company listed on Euronext-Growth Paris (ticker: ALSGD) since April 29, 2013. The corporate headquarters of SpineGuard are located in Vincennes, near Paris, France. SpineGuard also has an office in San Francisco focused on sales and marketing to support the technology and the products in the US market.

