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Ticker: EFG
ISIN: FR0010428771

Reason from Trading Suspension of Eagle Football Group shares

  • 81

Lyon, September 20, 2024,

During the September 11, 2024, press conference John Textor stated :

“For the remaining shares the publicly traded shares of Eagle Football Group, and I'll be going to the AMF within the coming weeks proposing a plan to tender for those remaining shares at what is obviously a substantial premium to today's price and is a price that would even be in excess of the 3 € per share, that we paid previously and I'll be giving shareholders a choice to take cash at that amount or to take shares in our publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange. So that's something that will also be happening in the near future as a part of this larger capitalization plan .”

In light of these comments, Eagle Football Group shares have been temporarily suspended from trading.

Eagle Football Group wishes to clarify the above statement: there are no discussions between John Textor, Eagle Football Holding and Eagle Football Group regarding a possible offer for Eagle Football Group shares.

Trading in Eagle Football Group shares, which has been suspended since Thursday September 12, will resume on Monday September 23, 2024.


+33 4 81 07 55 00
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Euronext Paris - segment C
Indices: CAC All-Share - CAC Consumer Discretionary
ISIN code: FR0010428771
Reuters: EFG.PA (ex OLG.PA)
Bloomberg: EFG FP (ex OLG FP)
ICB : 40501030 Recreational services

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Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/87802-pr-resume-trading-200924-en-clean.pdf

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