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Type: Stocks
Ticker: CARM
ISIN: FR0010828137

Carmila: Availability of documents for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting on 11 May 2023

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Regulatory News:

Carmila (Paris:CARM) shareholders are invited to participate in Carmila’s Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting to be held on Thursday 11 May at 9:30AM at OnePoint, 29, rue des Sablons, 75116 Paris.

The Notice of the Meeting including the agenda and draft resolutions was published in the French bulletin of compulsory legal announcements (Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoire – BALO n° 40) dated 3 April 2023. A copy of this publication is available on the Company’s website (

The documents and information referred to in Article R.22-10-23 of the French commercial code are available on the Company’s website (at section “Finance” then “Annual General Meeting”).

Shareholders may obtain these documents by post, in accordance with the provisions of the French commercial code, by addressing a written request to the company’s Head Office or its representative UPTEVIA Corporate Trust.

Shareholders are invited to consult regularly the updated documents in the section dedicated to the Shareholder Meeting.

20 April 2023 (after market close): First-quarter 2023 financial information
11 May 2023 (09:30 am Paris time): Annual General Meeting
15 May 2022: Ex-dividend date
17 May 2022: Dividend payment date
25 July 2023 (after market close): First-half 2023 results
26 July 2023: First-half 2023 results presentation
19 October 2023 (after market close): Third-quarter 2023 financial information


As the third-largest listed owner of commercial property in Europe, Carmila was founded by Carrefour and large institutional investors in order to transform and enhance the value of shopping centres adjoining Carrefour hypermarkets in France, Spain and Italy. At 31 December 2022, its portfolio was valued at €6.2 billion, comprising 208 shopping centres, all leaders in their catchment areas.

Carmila is listed on Euronext-Paris Compartment A under the symbol CARM. It benefits from the tax regime for French real estate investment trusts (“SIIC”).

Carmila has been a member of the SBF 120 since 20 June 2022.

Important notice

Some of the statements contained in this document are not historical facts but rather statements of future expectations, estimates and other forward-looking statements based on management’s beliefs. These statements reflect such views and assumptions prevailing as of the date of the statements and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause future results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Please refer to the most recent Universal Registration Document filed in French by Carmila with the Autorité des marchés financiers for additional information in relation to such factors, risks and uncertainties. Carmila has no intention and is under no obligation to update or review the forward-looking statements referred to above. Consequently, Carmila accepts no liability for any consequences arising from the use of any of the above statements.

This press release is available in the “Financial Press Releases” section of Carmila’s Finance webpage:

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