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Ticker: FAGR
ISIN: BE0003874915

Disclosure of received notification

  • 145

Regulated information
Nazareth (Belgium)/Rotterdam (The Netherlands), 16 July 2019 – 8:00pm CEST

Disclosure of received notification

Pursuant to the Belgian law of 2 May 2007 regarding the disclosure of major shareholdings in listed companies, Fagron received the following notification.

Notification of Waterland Private Equity Fund VI C.V., Filiep Balcaen and Fagron NV, received on 11 July 2019

  • On 11 July 2019, Fagron received a notification that the (indirect) shareholdings of Waterland Private Equity Fund VI C.V. and Filiep Balcaen had crossed the disclosure threshold of 25% on 5 July 2019 as the result of the disposal of voting securities or voting rights. The agreement to act in concert between Fagron NV and Waterland Private Equity Fund VI C.V./Filiep Balcaen has lapsed.
  • The notification is made by:
    • A parent undertaking or a controlling person.
    • Persons acting in concert.
  • On the notification date, Waterland Private Equity Fund VI C.V. and Filiep Balcaen (indirectly) held a total of 15,144,574 voting rights. 14,537,545 voting rights were held by WPEF VI Holdco III BE B.V. and 607,029 voting rights were held by Floorenter NV.
  • Based on the denominator of 71,843,904 (total number of voting rights), Waterland Private Equity Fund VI C.V. and Filiep Balcaen (indirectly) held on the notification date 21.08% of the total number of voting rights.
  • WPEF VI Holdco III BE B.V. is jointly controlled by WPEF VI Holding III BE B.V. (itself ultimately controlled by Waterland Private Equity Fund VI C.V.) and Bajabo SARL (itself ultimately controlled by Filiep Balcaen). In addition, WPEF VI Holdco III BE B.V., WPEF VI Holding III BE B.V. and Baltisse NV have concluded an agreement in the sense of article 3, §1, 13° a) and b) of the Transparency Law.
  • The notification of Waterland Private Equity Fund VI C.V., Filiep Balcaen and Fagron NV can be viewed on investors.fagron.com via this link.       

In the event of differences between the English translation and the Dutch original of this press release, the latter prevails.

For more information:

Constantijn van Rietschoten
Chief Communications Officer
Tel. +31 6 53 69 15 85
[email protected]

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