Major stock indices price list and quotes - Volume - Letter P

You are currently viewing the Major stock indices price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Volume - Letter P.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
PHLX SEMICONDUCTOR 4,507.10 -3.31% 4,639.92 4,649.54 4,506.63 - - -
PSI20 INDEX 6,887.17 +0.80% 6,845.27 6,904.18 6,837.67 84,381 - -
PRT NL INDEX 917.09 -0.42% 923.67 924.34 916.42 280,545 - -
PRT FR INDEX 8,030.68 -0.96% 8,121.99 8,129.70 8,024.15 3,809,587 - -