Germany TecDAX price list and quotes - Exchanged capital - Letter C

You are currently viewing the Germany TecDAX price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Exchanged capital - Letter C.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
CANCOM SE O.N. 24.72 -0.48% 24.92 24.92 24.66 1,267 779M 0.00%
CARL ZEISS MEDITEC AG 53.75 -2.01% 54.40 54.55 53.75 15,638 4,705M 0.02%
COMPUGROUP MED. NA O.N. 23.02 +1.23% 22.66 23.12 22.66 18,136 1,191M 0.04%