Belgium Stocks price list and quotes - Volume - Letter C

You are currently viewing the Belgium Stocks price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Volume - Letter C.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
CIE HET ZOUTE - +0.00% - - - - - -
CHOICE - +0.00% - - - - - -
CO.BR.HA 1,680.0 +0.00% 1,680.0 1,680.0 1,680.0 4 126M 0.00%
CUMULEX 1.12 +0.00% 1.12 1.12 1.12 30 492,800 0.01%
CANDELA INVEST 1.33 +0.00% 1.33 1.33 1.33 50 1M 0.00%
CIE BOIS SAUVAGE 239.0 -0.40% 240.0 240.0 239.0 200 396M 0.00%
CAMPINE 82.5 -1.80% 83.0 83.0 82.5 203 124M 0.00%
CFE 6.19 +1.64% 6.31 6.31 6.13 1,816 157M 0.01%
CENERGY 8.99 +7.02% 8.51 9.00 8.50 4,701 1,909M 0.00%
CRESCENT 0.0104 -3.70% 0.0106 0.0106 0.0104 6,274 21M 0.00%
CMB.TECH 12.79 -1.54% 12.96 12.96 12.76 19,254 2,814M 0.01%
CARE PROPERTY INV. 12.40 -0.48% 12.42 12.52 12.38 19,521 459M 0.05%
COFINIMMO 58.00 +0.09% 57.80 58.55 57.75 56,310 2,210M 0.15%
COLRUYT 43.34 +1.03% 42.96 43.52 42.80 65,108 5,519M 0.05%
CELYAD ONCOLOGY 0.2950 +5.73% 0.2700 0.3500 0.2615 74,138 12M 0.18%