PVA TEPLA AG O.N. news, videos and press releases - Page 2
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PVA TEPLA AG O.N. - More news...
PVA TEPLA AG O.N. - More news...
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla to supply silicon carbide crystal growing systems to STMicroelectronics
- DGAP-News: Great order intake 2021 - More than tripling compared to previous year
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla - Group: Sales revenue and earnings forecast exceeded
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla continues successful business development with strong third quarter
- DGAP-News: PVA Crystal Growing Systems GmbH receives the Supplier Award 2019/2020 from Siltronic AG
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla AG moves up to S-DAX
- DGAP-Adhoc: PVA TePla Group receives major order from Siltronic AG
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla posts a substantial increase of incoming orders in first half of 2021
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla AG: Main shareholder sells shareholding
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla Holds Virtual Annual General Meeting
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla AG: Successful start to the year for PVA TePla with good sales revenues performance and strong orders
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla AG: The year of the pandemic: fiscal 2020 with sales revenue upturn and considerable jump in earnings
- DGAP-Adhoc: PVA TePla AG: Strong fourth quarter, jump in earnings - EBIT increased by almost 50% - Forecast considerably exceeded
- DGAP-News: Reply to a letter from Riposte Capital: Explanation of the market positioning and strategy of PVA TePla AG
- DGAP-News: Expansion and strengthening of the business field ultrasonic microscopy
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla increases sales revenues and earnings in the first nine months 2020
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla AG: Silicon carbide (SiC) - Strategic development of the PVA TePla Group
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla AG significantly increases earnings in the second quarter
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla holds Annual General Meeting: All draft resolutions adopted by a large majority
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla enjoys significant earnings upturn
- DGAP-Adhoc: Manfred Bender Joins PVA TePla AG as CEO from January 1, 2020, Alfred Schopf Co-CEO until Annual General Meeting in June 2021
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla maintains course of growth in 2019, Medium-term growth track intact, 2020 performance dominated by uncertainty over COVID-19 situation
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla on track for growth - Sales revenues and earnings increase significantly - Forecasts for year-end raised
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla AG: Independent vessel manufacturing company brings greater flexibility in production and increased growth opportunities
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla ends first six months with surge in sales revenues and earnings
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla AG: 2019 Annual General Meeting
- DGAP-Adhoc: PVA TePla AG: Management Board contract with Alfred Schopf extendet
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla Q1-2019 - More than 50% revenue growth - Significantly improved earnings margin - Record order backlog
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla AG: Sales Revenues and Earnings Targets for 2018 Exceeded, Order Backlog at Historic High
- DGAP-News: PVA TePla exceeds targets in fiscal year 2018 - Record order backlog secures growth trajectory in subsequent years