PRISMAFLEX INTL news, videos and press releases - Page 2
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- Continuing impact of the Covid-19 health crisis on Q3 2020-21 sales
- Evolution in the capital standing for Anthem Displays
- 2020-2021 half-year results: Limited decline in results in light of the Covid-19 health crisis
- 2020-2021 six-month total sales
- Total sales Q1 2020-2021: EUR 8.2 million
- Forecast agenda 2020/2021 for financial press release
- 2019-2020 annual results
- 2019-2020 total sales: EUR 51.2 million (+5.2%)
- Prismaflex International inform the company is eligible for PEA-PME for 2020/2021
- Latest news concerning the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic
- 2019-2020 9-month sales: EUR 40.9 million (+12.7%)
- 2019-2020 half year results: Return to positive current operating income
- Return to growth in the second quarter 2019-2020 - Outlook maintained
- Total sales Q1 2019-2020: EUR 12.8 million
- 2018-2019 annual results
- 2018-2019 total sales: EUR 48.7 million
- Prismaflex International inform the company is eligible for PEA-PME for 2019/2020
- 2018/2019 9-month sales at EUR 36.3 million : Strong Printing activity and Delays in invoicing for hardware
- Half year results - September 30, 2018
- Six-month total sales 2018/2019: 23.6 M EUR
- Q1 turnover 2018/2019 - Total sales up 7.9 % at EUR 13.68 million
- Significant progression in 2017-2018 annual results
- Forecast agenda 2018-2019 for financial press release
- 2017/2018 total sales up 9.4%
- Prismaflex International completed the acquisition of 50% of Anthem Displays, LLC
- Prismaflex International inform the company is eligible for PEA-PME for 2017/2018
- Prismaflex International successfully completed a EUR 1.8 million capital increase by means of a private placement
- 2017/2018 3rd quarter sales up 23.5%
- Prismaflex International and Anthem Displays enter exclusive negotiations with a view to merge their activities
- Half-year results, September 30, 2017