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Ticker: USDJPY

USD/JPY - 1H - Technical analysis published on 07/02/2024 (GMT)

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  • Timeframe : 1H
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Summary of the analysis

Short term: Strongly bullish
Underlying: Strongly bullish
Technical indicators
My opinion
Bullish above 160.86 JPY
My targets
161.84 JPY (+0.14)
162.83 JPY (+1.13)
My analysis
The bullish trend is currently very strong on USD/JPY. As long as the price remains above the support at 160.86 JPY, you could try to benefit from the boom. The first bullish objective is located at 161.84 JPY. The bullish momentum would be boosted by a break in this resistance. Buyers would then use the next resistance located at 162.83 JPY as an objective. Crossing it would then enable buyers to target 164.37 JPY. Be careful, given the powerful bullish rally underway, excesses could lead to a possible correction in the short term. If this is the case, remember that trading against the trend may be riskier. It would seem more appropriate to wait for a signal indicating reversal of the trend.

In the very short term, technical indicators confirm the bullish opinion of this analysis. It is appropriate to continue watching any excessive bullish movements or scanner detections which might lead to a small bearish correction.

Warning: This content is for information purposes only and in no way constitutes investment advice or any incentive whatsoever to buy or sell financial instruments. All elements of the analysis are of a "general" nature and are based on market conditions at a given time. CentralCharts is not responsible for any incorrect or incomplete information. Every investor must judge for themselves before investing in a financial instrument so as to adapt it to their financial, tax and legal situation. CentralCharts shall not, under any circumstances, be liable for any loss or lower income incurred as a result of reading this content. Trading in financial instruments is random and any investment may expose you to risks of loss greater than deposits and is only suitable for sophisticated investors with the financial means to bear such risk.

This analysis was given by Anasabbas1991. Take part yourself by sharing additional analysis on another time unit:
15 min. Daily Weekly

Additional analysis


The USD/JPY price is 161.70 JPY. The price has increased by +0.12% since the last closing with the lowest point at 161.46 JPY and the highest point at 161.75 JPY. The deviation from the price is +0.15% for the low point and -0.03% for the high point.


So that you have an overall view of the price change, here is a table showing the variations over several periods:
The Central Records scanner, which identifies the highest / lowest, has detected several elements:

Central Records

New HIGH record (5 years)

Type : Bullish

Timeframe : Weekly

New HIGH record (1 year)

Type : Bullish

Timeframe : Weekly

New HIGH record (1st january)

Type : Bullish

Timeframe : Weekly

New HIGH record (1 month)

Type : Bullish

Timeframe : Weekly


Technical analysis of USD/JPY in 1H shows a strongly overall bullish trend. 92.86% of the signals given by moving averages are bullish. This strongly bullish trend is supported by the strong bullish signals given by short-term moving averages. There is no crossing of moving average by the price or crossing of moving averages between themselves.

The probability of a further increase are moderate given the direction of the technical indicators.
Caution: the Central Indicators scanner currently detects an excess:

Central Indicators

RSI indicator is overbought : over 70

Type : Neutral

Timeframe : 1 hour

CCI indicator is overbought : over 100

Type : Neutral

Timeframe : 1 hour

CCI indicator: bearish divergence

Type : Bearish

Timeframe : 1 hour

MACD indicator: bearish divergence

Type : Bearish

Timeframe : 1 hour

RSI indicator: bearish divergence

Type : Bearish

Timeframe : 1 hour

Williams %R indicator is overbought : over -20

Type : Neutral

Timeframe : 1 hour

The Central Indicators scanner found no further results concerning independent technical indicators.

No signals are given by Central Patterns, a market scanner specialised in chart patterns, resistances and supports.

No result was found by the Central Candlesticks scanner on Japanese candlesticks.


ProTrendLines 159.19 160.27 160.86 161.70 161.73
Change (%) -1.55% -0.88% -0.52% - +0.02%
Change -2.51 -1.43 -0.84 - +0.03
Level Minor Intermediate Intermediate - Intermediate

To determine price objectives, it is also possible to use the pivot points. Here is the price position in relation to pivot points:

Pivot points S3 S2 S1 PP R1 R2 R3

Pivot points S3 S2 S1 PP R1 R2 R3

Pivot points S3 S2 S1 PP R1 R2 R3

Numerical data

The following is the status of technical indicators and moving averages registered at the time this technical analysis was created:

Technical indicators
Moving averages

RSI (14): 69.15
MACD (12,26,9): 0.1600
Directional Movement: 9.03
AROON (14): 78.57
DEMA (21): 161.70
Parabolic SAR (0,02-0,02-0,2): 161.56
Elder Ray (13): 0.12
Super Trend (3,10): 161.24
Zig ZAG (10): 161.67
VORTEX (21): 1.2100
Stochastique (14,3,5): 82.86
TEMA (21): 161.73
Williams %R (14): -17.14
Chande Momentum Oscillator (20): 0.17
Repulse (5,40,3): 0.0300
TRIX (15,9): 0.0100
Courbe Coppock: 0.25
MA7: 160.69
MA20: 158.55
MA50: 157.01
MA100: 154.02
MAexp7: 161.62
MAexp20: 161.49
MAexp50: 161.21
MAexp100: 160.81
Price / MA7: +0.63%
Price / MA20: +1.99%
Price / MA50: +2.99%
Price / MA100: +4.99%
Price / MAexp7: +0.05%
Price / MAexp20: +0.13%
Price / MAexp50: +0.30%
Price / MAexp100: +0.55%

Quotes : - Real time data - Forex

This member declared not having a position on this financial instrument or a related financial instrument.

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