NZD/MXN - 1H - Technical analysis published on 10/05/2023 (GMT)
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- Timeframe : 1H
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Summary of the analysis
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The NZD/MXN price is 10.7614 MXN. On the day, this instrument gained +1.06% and was traded between 10.6445 MXN and 10.7669 MXN over the period. The price is currently at +1.10% from its lowest and -0.05% from its highest.So that you have an overall view of the price change, here is a table showing the variations over several periods:
New HIGH record (1 month)
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : Weekly
Technical analysis of this 1H chart of NZD/MXN indicates that the overall trend is strongly bullish. The signals given by the moving averages are 92.86% bullish. This strong bullish trend is confirmed by the strong signals currently being given by short-term moving averages. The Central Indicators market scanner currently does not detect any result that concerns moving averages.
In fact, 16 technical indicators on 18 studied are currently bullish. Caution: the Central Indicators scanner currently detects an excess:
CCI indicator is overbought : over 100
Type : Neutral
Timeframe : 1 hour
Williams %R indicator is overbought : over -20
Type : Neutral
Timeframe : 1 hour
Pivot points : price is over resistance 1
Type : Neutral
Timeframe : Weekly
Central Patterns, the market scanner focusing on chart patterns, resistances and supports found these results:
Near horizontal resistance
Type : Bearish
Timeframe : 1 hour
Resistance of channel is broken
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
No result was found by the Central Candlesticks scanner on Japanese candlesticks.
S3 | S2 | S1 | Price | R1 | R2 | R3 | |
ProTrendLines | 10.4577 | 10.5496 | 10.7229 | 10.7614 | 10.7706 | 10.9891 | 11.2592 |
Change (%) | -2.82% | -1.97% | -0.36% | - | +0.09% | +2.12% | +4.63% |
Change | -0.3037 | -0.2118 | -0.0385 | - | +0.0092 | +0.2277 | +0.4978 |
Level | Intermediate | Intermediate | Intermediate | - | Minor | Intermediate | Major |
Attention could also be paid to pivot points to set price objectives:
Pivot points | S3 | S2 | S1 | PP | R1 | R2 | R3 |
Standard | 10.3842 | 10.4669 | 10.5575 | 10.6402 | 10.7308 | 10.8135 | 10.9041 |
Camarilla | 10.6004 | 10.6163 | 10.6322 | 10.6481 | 10.6640 | 10.6799 | 10.6958 |
Woodie | 10.3882 | 10.4689 | 10.5615 | 10.6422 | 10.7348 | 10.8155 | 10.9081 |
Fibonacci | 10.4669 | 10.5331 | 10.5740 | 10.6402 | 10.7064 | 10.7473 | 10.8135 |
Pivot points | S3 | S2 | S1 | PP | R1 | R2 | R3 |
Standard | 9.9249 | 10.0706 | 10.2583 | 10.4040 | 10.5917 | 10.7374 | 10.9251 |
Camarilla | 10.3543 | 10.3849 | 10.4154 | 10.4460 | 10.4766 | 10.5071 | 10.5377 |
Woodie | 9.9459 | 10.0811 | 10.2793 | 10.4145 | 10.6127 | 10.7479 | 10.9461 |
Fibonacci | 10.0706 | 10.1980 | 10.2766 | 10.4040 | 10.5314 | 10.6100 | 10.7374 |
Pivot points | S3 | S2 | S1 | PP | R1 | R2 | R3 |
Standard | 9.6569 | 9.8562 | 10.1511 | 10.3504 | 10.6453 | 10.8446 | 11.1395 |
Camarilla | 10.3101 | 10.3554 | 10.4007 | 10.4460 | 10.4913 | 10.5366 | 10.5819 |
Woodie | 9.7047 | 9.8801 | 10.1989 | 10.3743 | 10.6931 | 10.8685 | 11.1873 |
Fibonacci | 9.8562 | 10.0450 | 10.1616 | 10.3504 | 10.5392 | 10.6558 | 10.8446 |
Numerical data
The following is the status of the technical indicators and moving averages at the time of publication of this technical analysis:
RSI (14): | 67.33 | |
MACD (12,26,9): | 0.0236 | |
Directional Movement: | 12.9599 | |
AROON (14): | 92.8571 | |
DEMA (21): | 10.7008 | |
Parabolic SAR (0,02-0,02-0,2): | 10.6554 | |
Elder Ray (13): | 0.0357 | |
Super Trend (3,10): | 10.6315 | |
Zig ZAG (10): | 10.7265 | |
VORTEX (21): | 1.1976 | |
Stochastique (14,3,5): | 92.30 | |
TEMA (21): | 10.7031 | |
Williams %R (14): | -5.97 | |
Chande Momentum Oscillator (20): | 0.0810 | |
Repulse (5,40,3): | 0.4006 | |
ROCnROLL: | 1 | |
TRIX (15,9): | 0.0238 | |
Courbe Coppock: | 1.20 |
MA7: | 10.5588 | |
MA20: | 10.3348 | |
MA50: | 10.2558 | |
MA100: | 10.4395 | |
MAexp7: | 10.7000 | |
MAexp20: | 10.6703 | |
MAexp50: | 10.6260 | |
MAexp100: | 10.5689 | |
Price / MA7: | +1.92% | |
Price / MA20: | +4.13% | |
Price / MA50: | +4.93% | |
Price / MA100: | +3.08% | |
Price / MAexp7: | +0.57% | |
Price / MAexp20: | +0.85% | |
Price / MAexp50: | +1.27% | |
Price / MAexp100: | +1.82% |
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