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Results of a Collision Test Conducted on the Driver's Side of a Toyota RAIZE

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Toyota City, Japan, May 26, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - On Friday, May 19, Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. (Daihatsu) announced that it had found wrongdoing in the certification procedures for the side impact collision tests (UN-R135) of Daihatsu ROCKY HEVs and Toyota RAIZE HEVs for the domestic market. Shipments and sales of those vehicles were suspended as of the same day. We sincerely apologize for any concern and inconvenience this may have caused to all relevant parties, including customers. Daihatsu has voluntarily conducted an in-house collision test to confirm the safety performance of the Toyota RAIZE HEV. The test was conducted to address the safety concerns of customers who use the model. We would like to report the results as follows:



Actions going forward

The test conducted at this time is a Daihatsu in-house test and has not been confirmed by the certification authority. The necessary procedures for shipment and sales resumption of the Toyota RAIZE will be implemented, such as conducting tests in the presence of certification authorities and confirming other certification items in consultation with the authorities.

On Friday, May 12, the top management of each group company gathered to discuss the "Toyota Group's commitment to facing manufacturing with sincerity" and renewed recognition of this goal.

We are currently working with all companies, to re-examine our past governance structure, including our own, and have begun a thorough review.

We view this case not as an individual or workplace issue, but rather a company-wide issue where an individual or workplace was forced to commit a wrongdoing. Together with Daihatsu, we are committed to listening to the voices of those on the front lines and carefully responding to the situation.

For more information, visit https://global.toyota/en/newsroom/corporate/39232511.html.

Source: Toyota Motor Corporation

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