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Type: Cryptocurrencies
Ticker: ANT

More information about ARAGON


Aragon lets you freely organize and collaborate without borders or intermediaries. Create global, bureaucracy-free organizations, companies, and communities.

The Aragon project is a community with the mission to empower freedom by creating tools for decentralized organizations to thrive.

Aragon enables developers and designers to create apps that enhance human collaboration. Build the future of decentralized organizations with aragonSDK.

Effective dispute resolution
The Aragon Network encompasses a set of courts, which can be used to settle disputes. By using smart contracts, cases can be closed way faster than in traditional courts. Fairness for everyone.

Anonymity and trust, together
Mom probably advised you not to interact with strangers. But thanks to the Aragon Network, you can transact with people who are using aliases, or stay anonymous yourself. You can open disputes if someone misbehaves.

Insured agreements
You can agree on a minimum and maximum deposit of tokens upon creating a new agreement on the Aragon Network. These deposits can be used to penalize bad behaviour in the Network court, warranting good behaviour.

Shape it yourself
The Aragon Network is not only a digital jurisdiction, but one in which you can make your voice heard. The Aragon Network will be governed by the community, just like the Aragon project itself.
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