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Type: Cryptocurrencies
Ticker: KMD

More information about KOMODO


KOMODO is an Open-Source Infrastructure For An Interoperable Blockchain Ecosystem.

We are building an ecosystem that empowers developers and businesses with end-to-end blockchain solutions with no limits.

Komodo provides Bitcoin-level security through dynamic checkpoint notarizations.

Komodo’s innovative delayed-Proof-of-Work (dPoW) consensus algorithm protects the entire ecosystem with the power of the Bitcoin Network. To compromise a protected chain, an attacker would need to overpower the native network, the KMD network, and the BTC network – all at the same time. Minimize risk through Komodo’s 3 layer protection for complete peace of mind.

Komodo allows blockchain projects to get BTC-level security at a fraction of the cost.
Security is embedded for Komodo Chains but can also be extended to external blockchains.
Komodo’s dPoW security recycles Bitcoin’s hash rate to protect the blockchain industry.

Komodo’s multi-chain architecture allows every project to scale without limits.

Komodo gives each project the autonomy to control their own independent blockchain infrastructure and the freedom to scale out linearly at any point in time. Be the master of your own destiny. Komodo’s unique architecture gives you the ability to launch multiple chains with optional tokenization. Build without limitations with the flexibility to grow to build your own blockchain platform.

Komodo gives every project their own customized and dedicated blockchain for predictable performance.
Multi-Chain Linking
Add as many additional blockchains as you need and link them into clusters for linear scale-out.
Burn Protocol
A unique burn protocol holds coin supply constant so multiple blockchains function as one.

All blockchains in the Komodo ecosystem support atomic swaps and cross-chain smart contracts.

Through Komodo’s federated multi-chain technology, all projects are granted seamless cross-chain interoperability with other federated chains. Every blockchain is also connected to chains outside the federation via atomic swaps and will become fully interoperable with future blockchain bridging support. Connect and collaborate with the wider blockchain industry.

Atomic Swaps
Komodo’s industry-leading atomic swap tech supports 95% of all cryptocurrencies.
A federated blockchain ecosystem enables cross-chain verifications and fungibility.
External blockchains can be linked into the Komodo ecosystem through blockchain bridging.

Komodo’s technology is fully modular and future-proofed with continuous updates to the ecosystem.

With a future-proof blockchain architecture, Komodo gives every project on the platform the opportunity to create flexible, modular solutions that can meet any use case. Build with confidence on Komodo.

Komodo’s modular platform technology allows maximum flexibility to build custom solutions.
Auto Updates
New features and tech updates are automatically pushed to Komodo’s open source ecosystem.
Evolve and grow to meet future needs with Komodo’s adaptable blockchain architecture.

The Next Generation Of Smart Contracts
Komodo’s Crypto-Conditions powered Smart Contracts are revolutionary because they make the Bitcoin protocol Turing complete and enable language-agnostic customization of spending conditions for any funds. Komodo CC Smart Contracts are also natively embedded, providing seamless cross-chain interoperability. These innovative CC Smart Contracts are superior to traditional ones as they operate at the protocol level, offering maximum flexibility and programmability.

UTXO based Komodo’s CC Smart Contracts are far safer than traditional balance-based contracts as vulnerabilities are minimized to the transaction level.
Komodo’s CC Smart Contracts are efficient as they are permissionless and act as native transactions on your independent blockchain, eliminating additional fees.
Launch as many CC Smart Contracts on your own dedicated blockchain that can be shared and used across the ecosystem. The possibilities are endless.

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