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Ashtead Group Plc - Directorate Change

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Ashtead Group Plc - Directorate Change

PR Newswire




Ashtead Group plc

1st March 2024


Ashtead Group plc ("Ashtead")

Directorate Change


Ashtead today announces the appointment of Roy Twite as a non-executive director with effect from 10 June 2024. Roy has also been appointed as a member of the audit, nominations, and remuneration committees.

Roy is Chief Executive Officer of IMI plc where he has worked in a variety of senior roles since 1988. Roy is also a non-executive director of Halma plc.

Paul Walker, Chair of Ashtead, commented: -

"We are delighted to welcome Roy to the Ashtead Board. Roy brings a wealth of plc experience and expertise which will further strengthen the Ashtead Board as the business commences its next strategic plan".

Ashtead Confirms that there are no further disclosures required under the Listing Rules in respect of Roy Twite.



Ashtead Group Will Shaw   +44 (0) 20 7726 9700



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