ORPEA: Modification of the Financial Communication Calendar
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Regulatory News:
ORPEA (Paris:ORP):
The company has decided to postpone, at the latest on 30 April 2022, the publication of its 31 December 2021 financial statements, pending the availability of the various reports and first conclusions of the external (by IGAS and IGF) and independent (by Grant Thornton and Alvarez & Marsal) inspections, scheduled for mid-March and mid-April respectively.
In order to meet its disclosure obligations to the market, the company will issue a preliminary press release on March 11th containing a selection of key financial metrics relating to ORPEA’s 2021 financial performance.
The company will communicate subsequently the final dates for the publication of these financial statements and for the meeting with financial analysts initially scheduled for mid-March 2022.
About ORPEA (www.orpea-corp.com)
Founded in 1989, ORPEA is one of the major world leaders in comprehensive long-term care, with a network as of 30 June 2021, of 1,156 facilities comprising 116,514 beds (26,359 of which are under construction) across 23 countries, which are divided into five geographical regions:
- France Benelux: 586 facilities / 49,207 beds (5,672 of which are under construction)
- Central Europe: 268 facilities / 28,419 beds (5,828 of which are under construction)
- Eastern Europe: 142 facilities / 15,255 beds (4,101 of which are under construction)
- Iberian Peninsula and Latam: 158 facilities / 23,108 beds (10,373 of which are under construction)
- Other countries: 2 facilities / 525 beds (385 of which are under construction)
ORPEA is listed on Euronext Paris (ISIN code: FR0000184798) and is a member of the SBF 120, STOXX 600 Europe, MSCI Small Cap Europe and CAC Mid 60 indices.
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