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- Henkel and Prodways collaborate to bring Loctite resins to ProMaker LD machines for industrial parts manufacturing
- Prodways achieves record profitability in the first half 2022
- Activity in the first half of 2022: commercial success, acceleration of the development and strong revenue growth
- Prodways Group accelerates the development of its audiology business with the acquisition of Auditech Innovations
- Prodways Group expands its market reach through a new distribution partnership with Dental Axess
- Prodways Group: acceleration of a major industrial project with new orders for 3D printers and materials
- Prodways Group announces the availability of its 2021 Universal Registration Document including the Annual Financial Report
- Revenues of the first quarter 2022: +37%
- Full-year 2021 results: robust and growing activities generating record results for Prodways Group
- Michaël Ohana is appointed Chief Executive Officer of Prodways Group effective 1st March 2022
- Double-digit revenue growth and exceeding 2021 guidance
- Four machines sold to new Australian customer
- Prodways Group wins a major industrial project
- Activity of the third quarter 2021
- Major changes in Prodways Group's shareholding structure
- Prodways Group : Availability of the 2021 Half-year financial report
- First half 2021 results: a transformed company generating improving results
- Revenues of the 2nd quarter 2021: growth acceleration reaching +54% driven by the recovery and the relevance of strategic orientations
- Prodways Group accelerates the development of its Products division in Europe with the acquisition of the German company Creabis
- Prodways Group remains eligible for PEA-PME scheme
- Prodways Group's Futur3D project is selected as a winner of the "Stimulus plan for the industrial sector" and receives a EUR 3.3 million grant
- Prodways Group announces the availability of its 2020 Universal Registration Document including the Annual Financial Report
- Activity of the 1st quarter 2021: strong revenue growth in both divisions and change in the governance
- Prodways integrates Oqton for better end-to-end control of the manufacturing process
- Prodways Group introduces new high-performance material for mass production of transparent orthodontic aligners
- Full-year 2020 results: recovery dynamic started in the second half, strong ambitions for the coming years
- Prodways Group: 2020 annual results conference call
- 2020 revenue impacted by the health crisis, recovery forecast in 2021
- Prodways Group installs second 3D printer for Essilor, in the lenses R and D department
- Prodways Group receives a new order for a leading European orthodontic aligners manufacturer.