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HDF Energy signed a MoU with the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources' Survey and Testing Centre to cooperate on hydrogen studies to support Renewstable(R) power plants

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  • Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The Central Public Service Survey and Testing Centre For Electricity, New, Renewable Energy And Energy Conservation (BBSP KEBTKE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) of Indonesia for the development of Renewstable® power plants;
  • Strengthening of the Asia pipeline, one of the five priority regions of HDF Energy.


Jakarta, 19 October 2022 – PT HDF Energy Indonesia, Hydrogène de France SA (“HDF Energy”) group – Euronext Paris: HDF – today announces the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The Central Public Service Survey and Testing Centre For Electricity, New, Renewable Energy And Energy Conservation (BBSP KEBTKE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) of Indonesia on joined studies to support HDF Energy Renewstable® plants in Indonesia.

Invented and developed by HDF Energy, Renewstable® multi-megawatt power plants produce entirely non-intermittent, renewable, stable and dispatchable electricity 24/7 with zero greenhouse gas emissions, thanks to solar PV and hydrogen-based long-term storage. A Renewstable® power plant uses local sources of clean energy to enhance domestic production of electricity, reducing exposure to imported fuels, associated price volatility and supply risks. Meanwhile, BBSP KEBTKE is a unit of MEMR that offers survey, testing and studies services related new and renewable energy, and energy conservation projects.

This memorandum is signed in the presence of leading Indonesian authorities and donor programs: the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Embassy of France for Indonesia, UK FCDO Mentari, BNP Paribas and the Dutch NGO HIVOS. This MoU illustrates HDF Energy's focus on Indonesia, in an effort to expand its footprint in Asia, following works in Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia and Philippines earlier this year. HDF is developing a pipeline of more than 20 projects in Indonesia, for an investment amount of 1.5 billion USD, with support from development institutions.

Under this MoU, both parties will combine their technical know-how and market understanding to develop a portfolio of Renewstable® and hydrogen projects in Indonesia to provide clean, stable and continuous energy, day and night.


Mr Senda Hurmuzan Kanam, as Head of BBSP KEBTKE, MEMR Indonesia, said: “The efforts to develop new and renewable energy potential technologies are carried out in order to achieve the emission reduction target and Net Zero Emission (carbon neutrality) which is targeted to be achieved in 2060 or earlier.

In an effort to achieve this, The Survey and Testing Center for Electricity, New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (BBSP KEBTKE) provides testing services, pre-feasibility study or feasibility study and experts in the field of new and renewable energy. BBSP KEBTKE is also intended to develop eco-friendly technologies in partnership with HDF Energy.

HDF's solution by combining PV, battery, and hydrogen in its Renewstable Power Plant, provides a more viable alternative in diminishing the diesel fuel consumption in Islands and Remote grids context. We are delighted to work together with HDF to better understand the role of hydrogen in promoting energy transition, especially in the small to medium size grids.

The use of commercial hydrogen to power projects to reduce fossil fuel consumption is in line with the spirit of Paris Agreement, contribute towards Indonesia's NZE and align with Indonesia's G20 Presidency”.


Sahid Junaidi, the Secretary of Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation of MEMR Indonesia, said: “Hydrogen is one of the government's main strategies in carrying out the road map to carbon neutrality by 2060. We hope to attract many more industry partners and researchers to come here, to partner with Indonesian companies and government and work with our people to develop new ideas that can become scalable and applicable. I'm confident that this cooperation will bring fruitful outcomes for both parties and new and renewable energy development milestone in Indonesia''


Mathieu GEZE, President Director, PT HDF Energy Indonesia, declared: “Indonesia is facing unique constraints due to its archipelago context. Our Renewstable® power plants could assist Indonesia to decarbonize its grids while accompanying the Government agenda to support Eastern Indonesia development. Our projects pipeline will put Indonesia at the forefront of green hydrogren projects in Asia”.



HDF Energy is a global pioneer in hydrogen energy. HDF develops, finances and operates multi-megawatts Hydrogen-Power plants. These plants provide continuous or on-demand electricity from renewable energy sources (wind or solar), combined with high power fuel cells supplied by HDF.

HDF has developed the world's first mass production plant for high-power fuel cells for energy, which will be commissioned in France in 2023. HDF Industry also addresses the rail and maritime markets.

HDF shares have been listed on the regulated market of Euronext Paris compartment B since 24 June 2021.

For more information: https://www.hdf-energy.com/



BBSP KEBTKE MEMR is a dedicated unit under the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources that carries out testing and survey for any new and renewable energy as well as energy conservation project. BBSP KEBTKE has a lot of portfolio of doing studies, testing and survey with various state-owned enterprise, government institution, universities and private companies.



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