SYNBIOTIC SENA O.N. news, videos and press releases
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SYNBIOTIC SENA O.N. - More news...
SYNBIOTIC SENA O.N. - More news...
- EQS-News: Quo vadis legalisation: SYNBIOTIC and GOC NEXUS at the International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) in Berlin
- EQS-News: SYNBIOTIC with four new investments in 2024: Further acquisitions in sight for 2025
- EQS-News: Trend-setting decontamination: SYNBIOTIC and GOC NEXUS set the gold standard for cannabis
- EQS-News: SYNBIOTIC integrates greensby: Universal platform for the entire hemp and cannabis industry
- EQS-News: In full bloom: WEECO Pharma boosts SYNBIOTIC's sales
- EQS-News: Share price target 12.50 euros: Annual General Meeting supports SYNBIOTIC's growth plans with over 99 percent approval
- EQS-News: SYNBIOTIC Annual General Meeting on 20.09.2024: Increasing sales drive growth
- EQS-News: Berlin, Prague, Berlin: SYNBIOTIC and CEO Daniel Kruse on roadshow
- EQS-News: Acquisition of WEECO Pharma: SYNBIOTIC significantly expands its position in the medical cannabis market
- EQS-News: 1.6 million euros for Hanf Farm: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection funds bio-economy project
- EQS-News: SYNBIOTIC acquires Ilesol: Enormous competitive advantages through cannabinoid extracts and isolates from own production
- EQS-News: Multi-entrepreneur Frank Otto invests in SynBiotic SE: The Munich-based company acquires majority stake in CannaCare Health and appoints Daniel Kruse as CEO
- EQS-News: SynBiotic SE attracts Canopy Growth founder Bruce Linton as Chairman of newly created Advisory Board
- SynBiotic SE Attracts Canopy Growth Founder Bruce Linton as Chairman of Newly Created Advisory Board
- EQS-News: SynBiotic SE completes successfully capital increase and places all new shares
- EQS-News: SynBiotic SE: “Like winning the lottery” - SynBiotic SE comments on key points paper (“Eckpunktepapier”)
- DGAP-News: Hempamed Rx: SynBiotic SE launches full-line medical cannabis brand
- DGAP-News: Becoming a cannabis ecosystem: SynBiotic SE management update
- SynBiotic SE and Enchilada Group: Joint venture to launch first cannabis store in Germany
- DGAP-News: SynBiotic SE and key.force: Joint Venture for Germany's largest cannabis sales team
- DGAP-News: SynBiotic SE: Most important cannabis merger in Europe
- DGAP-Adhoc: SynBiotic SE: Majority takeover of hemp industry pioneer Daniel Kruse's group of companies as part of a capital increase in kind
- DGAP-News: Another seven million Euros for SynBiotic SE
- SynBiotic SE Plans Canadian Cross-Listing
- SynBiotic SE plans Canadian cross-listing
- SynBiotic SE: Christian Angermayer now largest shareholder with circa 45%