More information about ALPHA MOS
Specialized in electronic systems for sensory analysis, Alpha MOS company positions as the world leader in the design and development of instruments dedicated to the measurement of odour, taste and visual aspect (color and shape).
To answer the needs of the major industries, Alpha MOS offers reliable and fast solutions that can control the sensory quality of their products and secure their manufacturing processes.
First company to market electronic noses, Alpha MOS has always made strong investments in R&D to develop innovative products that would meet the needs not fulfilled that far. Several developments about systems and methods for measuring odors and liquids, for quantifying odor intensity or for processing data are patented. Currently, a major part of our research studies concern the integration of a new generation of gas micro-sensors, which will allow to broaden our scope of intervention to general use applications.
Headquartered in France, Alpha MOS has 2 subsidiaries (USA, China) and a network of more than 30 distributors worldwide.
Alpha MOs is publicly traded on Paris stock exchange.