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Type: Stocks
Ticker: MLODT
ISIN: FR0004152700

Odiot Holding announces the change of its ticker

  • 88
  • 09/30/2024 - 08:00

Odiot Holding announces the change of its ticker

Paris 09/30/2024 at 10:00 am

ODIOT HOLDING (ex WELL) (Euronext Access, FR0004152700 – MLODT), reference shareholder of the goldsmith ODIOT, announces today the change of its ticker code on the Euronext Access Paris market.

Shareholders are informed that this change will take effect at the opening of the markets on 09/30/2024, and that all existing shares will continue to be traded under the new ticker code MLODT replacing the old code MLWEL.

This change is part of the company's restructuring efforts, reflecting its commitment to the development of the ODIOT brand as announced in the press release of 07/24/2024. The change of ticker code in no way affects the company's business model, management or commitment to creating value for its shareholders through a prestigious luxury brand, representing French know-how in goldsmithing and tableware since 1690.


ODIOT HOLDING is the controlling holding company of ODIOT, a French luxury brand founded in 1690, and one of the most prestigious goldsmiths of the 18th century, with the title of royal supplier, thanks to its unique know-how in creating exceptional pieces and cutlery in precious metals (gold, vermeil, solid silver, savings). ODIOT is labeled “Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant®” (or Company of Living Heritage).

Contact : investors@odiotholding.com

ODIOT HOLDING (Euronext Access, FR0004152700 – MLODT) www.odiotholding.com

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Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/87981-20240930_pr-odiotholding-ticker-en.pdf

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