ECOPETROL S.A. ADS news, videos and press releases
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ECOPETROL S.A. ADS - More news...
- Ecopetrol Announces Start Dates for the Market Maker program for its Shares on the Colombian Stock Exchange
- Ecopetrol publishes draft chapter on social and environmental issues, including climate, for the year 2024
- Minority Shareholders Nominate Candidate for Board of Directors
- Ecopetrol Announces Nomination of Candidate for Board of Directors
- Ecopetrol Announces Changes in the Board of Directors
- Ecopetrol's 2024 Earnings Distribution Proposal
- Ecopetrol Announces Agreement for Launching the Market Maker program for its Shares on the Colombian Stock Exchange
- Moody's Maintains Ecopetrol's Global Credit Rating at Ba1 with a Stable Outlook
- ECOPETROL S.A.: Call for General Shareholders' Meeting
- Ecopetrol publishes measures to guarantee the adequate representation of its Shareholders at the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting to be held on March 28, 2025
- Ecopetrol Group replaced 104% of its production, doubling the 2023 incorporation of proven reserves.
- Ecopetrol announces the dates for the publication of its fourth quarter and full year 2024 earnings report and conference call
- Ecopetrol and OXY agree to extend their development plan in the Midland area of the Permian Basin
- Ecopetrol Announces Changes in Senior Management
- Ecopetrol S.A. submitted the Report on the Implementation of Best Corporate Practices - "Código País" for FY2024
- ECOPETROL S.A. reports on the decision adopted by the Court of the Southern District of New York on the arbitration ruling issued in favor of Refinería de Cartagena S.A.S.
- Ecopetrol announces changes in senior management
- Ecopetrol agrees to a temporary 50% reduction in the conversion cost for the purchase and sale of its ADRs
- Ecopetrol confirms the agreement to purchase Repsol's 45% stake in block CPO 09
- Ecopetrol announces the agreement to purchase Repsol's 45% stake in block CPO 09
- Ecopetrol announces changes in senior management and the appointment of a legal representative
- The Ecopetrol Group is expected to invest between 24 and 28 trillion pesos in 2025
- Decisions of the Board of Directors of Ecopetrol S.A.
- Ecopetrol S.A. Completes Redemption of its 5.375% Notes due 2026
- Ecopetrol presents its fourth report on climate change management following the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
- Fitch Ratings maintains Ecopetrol's overall credit rating at BB+ and stable outlook.
- Ecopetrol informs of a change in the time for the publication of its third quarter 2024 report and conference due to the change to Standard Time in the United States
- Ecopetrol S.A. reports on the decision of the Santa Marta Tribunal.
- Ecopetrol announces the dates for the publication of its third quarter 2024 report and conference call