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Type: Cryptocurrencies
Ticker: BAND

More information about BAND PROTOCOL


Band Protocol connects smart contracts with trusted off-chain information, provided through community-curated data providers.

Without access to external data, the use cases for dApps are limited. Prediction markets are too illiquid to be practical. Band Protocol provides community-curated on-chain data feeds, backed by strong economic incentives which ensure the data stays accurate.

Band Protocol provides an infrastucture for blockchain applications to connect with any open API without relying on a centralized party. This allows dApps to leverage existing data on the internet without compromising security, bridging the use cases between Web 2.0 and 3.0.

Band enforces strict requirements before serving each query. Each data point requires more than ⅔ of qualified providers to serve the data, which guarantees high tolerance for collusion.

Each dataset has its own token for governing how the dataset functions. It incentivizes token holders and data providers to curate high-quality data, which in-turn drives greater security for dApps.

Band provides a decentralized, unstoppable platform for community to curate reliable data. No single identity has authority to bypass governance and take control of the data.
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