PLANT ADVANCED news, videos and press releases
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- Plant Advanced Technologies PAT: ROOTNESS® AWAKE Awarded in China
- Cosmetic 360®: PAT Unveils Its Tailor-made Offer From the French Tropics
- PLANT ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES PAT: Winner of the Trophées de la Santé
- PAT Group: 2020 Consolidated Results
- PLANT ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, "High Environmental Value” certification
- Plant Advanced Technologies PAT: 2020 Annual Results
- Plant Advanced Technologies Announces the Discovery of a New Class of Plant Enzymes, Published in Exclusivity in the Scientific Journal, PNAS(1), in Partnership With Kyoto University (Japan) and the University of Lorraine (France)
- Plant Advanced Technologies PAT: 2020 Revenue
- CO2 GRO Inc. Announces a Commercial Feasibility With Plant Advanced Technologies PAT in France in Conjunction With Marketing Partner Rika Biotech
- PAT Investigates anti-SARS-CoV-2 Properties of Its Molecules
- Creation of Cellengo, PAT’s subsidiary specialized in microbial fermentation
- Plant Advanced Technologies PAT Launches a New Bio-herbicide Discovery Program Awarded Under the “programme D’investissement D'avenir III”*