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ISIN: NL0010776944

Extraordinary General Meeting

  • 183

Amsterdam, 29 June 2020

On June 29, 2020 the EGM approved the only voting item that was on the agenda.
As a result, Mr Graeme Maude is appointed as a member of the Board of Directors effective July 1, 2020 for a term of four years.

Graeme Maude

Graeme Maude was born in 1967 and has British nationality. Graeme Maude has held various national and international senior positions with leading players in the market, most recently with RGF Staffing (part of Recruit Holdings) as Chief Operating Officer.  Before joining RGF, he worked for 8 years at a professional staffing company, lastly as managing director. Graeme Maude started his career at Deloitte, earning his title as a chartered accountant in 1993.



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