More information about DAVICTUS ORD NPV
Sector: | Consumer services |
daVictus is a company which was incorporated on 5 February 2015 and was established to undertake one or more acquisitions of businesses (either shares or assets) which operate in or own Western F&B eatery franchises in South East Asia and/or the Far East.
Together, the Directors have many years of business experience in Asia, particularly in the areas of acquisitions, corporate and financial management and they have established a network of contacts within South East Asia and the Far East. The Company will not have a separate investment manager, although it may utilise independent third parties to provide expert advice where necessary, for instance in relation to due diligence.
The Company is seeking to be admitted to the Official List (by way of a Standard Listing) and to the London Stock Exchange, for the Ordinary Shares to be admitted to trading on the Main Market. In conjunction with this the Company has raised £1,000,000 before Transaction Costs (approximately £665,000 after Transaction Costs), conditional on Admission, through the issue of the Placing Shares with new investors.