Invesco Asia Trust Plc - Directorate Change
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PR Newswire
London, August 1
Legal Entity Identifier: 549300YM9USHRKIET173
Invesco Asia Trust plc
HEADLINE: Directorate Change
The Board of Invesco Asia Trust plc (‘the Company’) announces that after taking on additional responsibilities at United World College, Fleur Meijs will not seek re-election at the Company’s Annual General Meeting (‘AGM’) on 8 September 2022 and will step down from the Board on 2 August 2022.
The Company further announces that Owen Jonathan will retire at the forthcoming AGM after serving his full term of nine years.
Fleur will hand over her responsibilities as Chair of the Audit Committee to Myriam Madden and Vanessa Donegan will take over as the Chair of the Remuneration Committee with immediate effect. Vanessa will also take over from Owen as Senior Independent Director at the conclusion of the AGM.
The Chairman, Neil Rogan, said: “Fleur and Owen have served us strongly over their respective terms and leave with the Company in very good shape.”
Invesco Asset Management Limited
Corporate Company Secretary
2 August 2022

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