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- Leasinvest Real Estate SA: Publication of a transparency notification
- Leasinvest Real Estate NV: Publication of a transparency notification
- Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Full lease of the building Monteco, first wooden building in the Leopold district
- Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Extraordinary general meeting of 19 July 2021
- Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Important lease in the building Mercator-High5! in Luxembourg
- Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Half-year financial report 2020
- Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Monteco, the first wooden office building in the heart of Europe
- Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Update Covid-19-impact
- Leasinvest Real Estate Private placement of bonds 2019 - Early publication of the Q3 results
- Leasinvest Real Estate comes to an agreement with Immo Lux-Airport SA for the acquisition of the buildings B and E in the EBBC Business Park in Luxembourg
- Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Note of the manager on Q1 2019
- Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Leasinvest Real Estate acquires Hangar 26-27, iconic building at top location in Antwerp
- Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Interim statement of the manager on 30 September 2018
- Public offering for subscription to a maximum of 987,774 New Shares in the context of a capital increase in cash with Irreducible Allocation Rights - Results of the Offer
- Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Half-year financial report 2018
- Leasinvest Real Estate: report of the annual meeting of 22 May 2018
- Leasinvest Real Estate: Interim statement of the manger over the first quarter of the financial year 2018 (01/01/2018-31/03/2018)
- Leasinvest Real Estate - Convening notice for the ordinary general meeting of shareholders that will be held on 22 May 2018
- Leasinvest Real Estate - Comments of the manager on the past financial year 2017
- End 2017 Leasinvest Real Estate increases its further investments in Luxembourg, full occupation Mercator (LU), first tenants for Treesquare (BE), and extension of Frun© Park Asten (AT)
- Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Publication of a transparency notification (Article 14, first paragraph, of the law of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of important participations)
- Leasinvest Real Estate - Interim statement of the manager on the third quarter of the financial year 2017 (01/07/2017-30/09/2017)
- Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Publication of a transparency notification (Article 14, first paragraph, of the law of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of important participations)
- Leasinvest Real Estate refocuses on two asset classes and three countries
- Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Half-year financial report 2017
- Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Leasinvest divests an important part of its logistics portfolio
- Leasinvest Real Estate - Interim statement of the manager on the third quarter of the financial year 2016 (01/07/2016-30/09/2016)
- Leasinvest Real Estate acquires an important retail park in Austria and strengthens that way its geographical diversification towards a fourth country, besides the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Belgiu...