Fidelity UCITS II ICAV - Change of name of Sub-Funds

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Fidelity UCITS II ICAV - Change of name of Sub-Funds

PR Newswire


This document is important and requires your immediate attention. If you are in doubt as to the action you should take, you should seek advice from your Fidelity Relationship Manager. If you have sold or transferred any of your Shares Fidelity UCITS II ICAV (the “Fund”), please pass this document at once to the purchaser or transferee, or to the stockbroker, bank or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected for transmission to the purchaser or transferee as soon as possible.

Unless otherwise defined herein, all other capitalised terms used herein shall bear the same meaning as capitalised terms used in the currently effective prospectus of the Fund and supplements for the Sub-Funds, as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time (together, the “Prospectus”). A copy of the Prospectus is available upon request during normal business hours at the registered office of the Fund.


Please note that the Central Bank of Ireland (the “Central Bank”) has not reviewed this notice. The Directors accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this notice and confirm, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief there are no other facts the omission of which would make any statement misleading.

4th February 2025

Dear Shareholder,


The Directors of the Fund are writing to confirm that it has been decided to make certain changes to the sub-funds of the Fund, as set out below.

Change of name of Sub-Funds

The Prospectus will be updated to reflect that following sub-funds will change their names as shown below.


Current Sub-Fund name

New Sub-Fund name following the Effective Date

Fidelity Sustainable EUR Corporate Bond Paris- Aligned Multifactor UCITS ETF

Fidelity EUR Corp Bond Research Enhanced PAB UCITS ETF

Fidelity Sustainable EUR High Yield Bond Paris- Aligned Multifactor UCITS ETF

Fidelity EUR HY Corp Bond Research Enhanced PAB UCITS ETF

Fidelity Sustainable Global Corporate Bond Paris-Aligned Multifactor UCITS ETF

Fidelity Global Corp Bond Research Enhanced PAB UCITS ETF

Fidelity Sustainable Global High Yield Bond Paris- Aligned Multifactor UCITS ETF

Fidelity Global HY Corp Bond Research Enhanced PAB UCITS ETF

Fidelity Sustainable USD Corporate Bond Paris- Aligned Multifactor UCITS ETF

Fidelity USD Corp Bond Research Enhanced PAB UCITS ETF

Fidelity Sustainable USD High Yield Corporate Bond Paris-Aligned Multifactor UCITS ETF

Fidelity USD HY Corp Bond Research Enhanced PAB UCITS ETF

Fidelity Sustainable USD EM Bond UCITS ETF



1. Additional Exclusions


The Prospectus will be updated to include additional Paris-Aligned Benchmark exclusions which will be applied by the Fidelity Sustainable USD EM Bond UCITS ETF (to be renamed the Fidelity ESG USD EM Bond UCITS ETF).

Further information on the exclusions is also available on the website Sustainable investing framework (

There will be no change to the management of the Sub-Funds as a result of the above changes.

Effective Date of the changes

The changes will take effect on or around 18 February 2025 (the Effective Date”). Next steps

No action is required from you as regards this update. If you do not want to remain in the Sub-Fund following the implementation of the proposed changes, you may redeem in the usual manner at any point prior to the Effective Date.

Should you have any questions relating to this matter, you should contact your professional advisor or your usual Fidelity Service Centre.

We would like to thank you for your investment, and we look forward to serving you in the future. Yours sincerely



For and on behalf of


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