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Type: Cryptocurrencies
Ticker: IG

What is the new token launched in the halving that exploded!??

  • 128
This Bitcoin halving was different!! Because the Runes protocol was launched in conjunction with the block that was mined on ...
Chico Crypto
Chico Crypto
Informational cryptocurrency and altcoin videos for the intermediate to advanced crypto enthusiast. Brought to you by Tyler Swope of Chico Crypto!!!! My name is Tyler Swope. First thing I should tell you-- I'm a die-hard crypto investor. I also have a passion for writing, editing, and producing videos. I started investing in Bitcoin in late 2013. The blockchain, the tech I have coveted for 5 years, is getting woven into the fabric of everyday life. Watch as I spread my knowledge and take informational crypto content to the next level. Initiate Chico Crypto! New videos drop 3-5 days a week, M-F sometime between 11-1PM PST. P.S. Subscribe to be the first to receive top class altcoin information and follow me on social media at the links below!