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La Plaine Saint Denis, May 29, 2024 – SRP Groupe's shareholders are invited to attend the combined general meeting which will be held on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at 10 a.m. 1 impasse du Pilier, 93210 La Plaine Saint-Denis.
The corresponding notice of meeting (avis de réunion), containing the agenda and the text of the proposed resolutions to be submitted to the approval of the General Meeting, was published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales et Obligatoires (BALO) dated May 10, 2024 (n°57) and can be consulted online on the Company's website at (under section “Investors” – subsection “Shareholders' Meeting”).
The corresponding convening notice (avis de convocation) will be published on May 31, 2024 in the BALO n°66 and on the website of “”. This convening notice can be consulted online on the Company's website at (under section “Investors” – subsection “Shareholders' Meeting”).
Every registered shareholder will automatically receive the proxy or distance voting forms, attached to the convening notice. Holders of bearer shares must ask their financial intermediaries for proxy or distance voting forms.
The documents relating to this General Meeting referred to in article R.225-73-1 of the French Commercial Code are available, as of today, on the Company's website at (under section “Investors” – subsection “Shareholders' Meeting”).
The preparatory documents for the General Meeting referred to in article R. 225-83 of the French Commercial Code are made available to shareholders at 1 rue des Blés ZAC Montjoie 93212 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex France, according to legal and regulatory requirements.
Each registered shareholder may obtain these documents by mail if requested to the Company until June 14, 2024. For holders of bearer shares, such right is subject to the delivery of a registration certificate for the bearer share accounts held by their financial intermediary.
Shareholders are invited to regularly consult the dedicated page on the Company's website (under section “Investors” – subsection “Shareholders' Meeting”), which will be updated whenever necessary.
about showroomprivÉ
Showroomprivé is an innovative European player in the online private sales industry, specialized in fashion. Showroomprivé offers a daily selection of more than 3,000 brand partners via its mobile apps or website in France and six other countries. Since its launch in 2006, the company has enjoyed quick growth.
Showroomprivé is listed on Euronext Paris (code: SRP) and reported GMV of €1 billion incl. VAT in 2023, and net revenue of €677 million. The Group is headed by David Dayan, the co-founder, and employs over 1,100 people.
For more information:
Showroomprivé | NewCap |
Sylvie Chan Diaz, Investor Relations [email protected] | Financial Communication Théo Martin, Louis-Victor Delouvrier |
Anne Charlotte Neau-Julliard Relations.[email protected] |
Financial Media Relations Gaelle Fromaigeat, Nicolas Merigeau [email protected] |
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