CHF/TRY - 1H - Technical analysis published on 11/15/2024 (GMT)
- 103
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- Timeframe : 1H
- - Analysis generated on
- Status : NEUTRAL
Analysis too old. There are no more charts available.
Summary of the analysis
Additional analysis
The CHF/TRY price is 38.7781 TRY. On the day, this instrument gained +0.31% and was traded between 38.6161 TRY and 38.7798 TRY over the period. The price is currently at +0.42% from its lowest and +0.00% from its highest.The Central Gaps scanner detects a bullish opening marking the presence of buyers ahead of sellers at the opening but not sufficiently marked to allow the price to register a quotation gap.
Bullish opening
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : Openning
Here is a more detailed summary of the historical variations registered by CHF/TRY:
Near a new HIGH record (5 years)
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : Weekly
Near a new HIGH record (1 month)
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : Weekly
A technical analysis in 1H of this CHF/TRY chart shows a bearish trend. 64.29% of the signals given by moving averages are bearish. Caution: the strong bullish signals currently being given by short-term moving averages indicate that the overall trend could quickly run out of steam. The Central Indicators scanner detects bullish signals on moving averages that could impact this trend:
Bullish trend reversal : Moving Average 20
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
Bullish price crossover with Moving Average 50
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
Bullish price crossover with adaptative moving average 50
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
Bullish price crossover with adaptative moving average 100
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
In fact, according to the parameters integrated into the Central Analyzer system, only 9 technical indicators out of 18 analysed are currently bullish. Central Indicators, the detector scanner for these technical indicators recently detected a signal:
Pivot points : price is under support 1
Type : Neutral
Timeframe : Weekly
Central Patterns, the market scanner focusing on chart patterns, resistances and supports found this result:
Near horizontal support
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
The Central Candlesticks scanner which studies Japanese candlesticks did not detect anything.
S3 | S2 | S1 | Price | R1 | R2 | R3 | |
ProTrendLines | 37.6086 | 38.4996 | 38.6125 | 38.7781 | 38.8772 | 39.0601 | 39.4637 |
Change (%) | -3.02% | -0.72% | -0.43% | - | +0.26% | +0.73% | +1.77% |
Change | -1.1695 | -0.2785 | -0.1656 | - | +0.0991 | +0.2820 | +0.6856 |
Level | Minor | Intermediate | Minor | - | Intermediate | Intermediate | Intermediate |
To determine price objectives, it is also possible to use the pivot points. Here is the price position in relation to pivot points:
Pivot points | S3 | S2 | S1 | PP | R1 | R2 | R3 |
Standard | 37.7084 | 38.1040 | 38.3808 | 38.7764 | 39.0532 | 39.4488 | 39.7256 |
Camarilla | 38.4727 | 38.5343 | 38.5960 | 38.6576 | 38.7192 | 38.7809 | 38.8425 |
Woodie | 37.6490 | 38.0743 | 38.3214 | 38.7467 | 38.9938 | 39.4191 | 39.6662 |
Fibonacci | 38.1040 | 38.3609 | 38.5195 | 38.7764 | 39.0333 | 39.1919 | 39.4488 |
Pivot points | S3 | S2 | S1 | PP | R1 | R2 | R3 |
Standard | 37.9652 | 38.4712 | 38.8580 | 39.3640 | 39.7508 | 40.2568 | 40.6436 |
Camarilla | 38.9994 | 39.0812 | 39.1631 | 39.2449 | 39.3267 | 39.4086 | 39.4904 |
Woodie | 37.9057 | 38.4414 | 38.7985 | 39.3342 | 39.6913 | 40.2270 | 40.5841 |
Fibonacci | 38.4712 | 38.8122 | 39.0229 | 39.3640 | 39.7050 | 39.9157 | 40.2568 |
Pivot points | S3 | S2 | S1 | PP | R1 | R2 | R3 |
Standard | 37.9944 | 38.6856 | 39.2044 | 39.8956 | 40.4144 | 41.1056 | 41.6244 |
Camarilla | 39.3904 | 39.5013 | 39.6122 | 39.7231 | 39.8340 | 39.9449 | 40.0559 |
Woodie | 37.9081 | 38.6425 | 39.1181 | 39.8525 | 40.3281 | 41.0625 | 41.5381 |
Fibonacci | 38.6856 | 39.1479 | 39.4334 | 39.8956 | 40.3579 | 40.6434 | 41.1056 |
Numerical data
The following are the details of the technical indicators and moving averages that were collected to generate this technical analysis:
RSI (14): | 50.80 | |
MACD (12,26,9): | -0.0118 | |
Directional Movement: | 18.6728 | |
AROON (14): | 14.2857 | |
DEMA (21): | 38.6580 | |
Parabolic SAR (0,02-0,02-0,2): | 38.5999 | |
Elder Ray (13): | 0.0234 | |
Super Trend (3,10): | 38.5052 | |
Zig ZAG (10): | 38.7023 | |
VORTEX (21): | 1.0314 | |
Stochastique (14,3,5): | 29.43 | |
TEMA (21): | 38.6881 | |
Williams %R (14): | -69.94 | |
Chande Momentum Oscillator (20): | 0.0644 | |
Repulse (5,40,3): | -0.0052 | |
ROCnROLL: | -1 | |
TRIX (15,9): | -0.0100 | |
Courbe Coppock: | 0.18 |
MA7: | 38.9601 | |
MA20: | 39.3545 | |
MA50: | 39.7899 | |
MA100: | 39.0457 | |
MAexp7: | 38.6896 | |
MAexp20: | 38.6828 | |
MAexp50: | 38.7498 | |
MAexp100: | 38.8755 | |
Price / MA7: | -0.47% | |
Price / MA20: | -1.46% | |
Price / MA50: | -2.54% | |
Price / MA100: | -0.69% | |
Price / MAexp7: | +0.23% | |
Price / MAexp20: | +0.25% | |
Price / MAexp50: | +0.07% | |
Price / MAexp100: | -0.25% |
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