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Tezos & CoronaVirus!? | Crypto Q&A Feb 2020

  • 269
Louis Thomas
Louis Thomas
(ON HIATUS) WARNING: PLEASE watch out for scammers, impersonators and Email spoofers I do not have a public Discord or Telegram. I rarely send or respond to emails The odds that you're talking to an impersonator are EXTREMELY HIGH DO NOT make any business arrangements, or send any money, to someone claiming to be me unless you are absolutely certain of my identity. I do not assume any responsibility for losses that arise out of business dealings with impersonators and/or scammers. Disclaimer: This content is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. It is NOT to be construed as financial, legal or tax advice All opinions expressed in this content represent the personal opinions of the speaker (and/or his guests) only, and should NOT be considered an endorsement or recommendation to buy or sell Full disclaimer link: https://louisthomas.co.uk/disclaimer/