El Santo : discovery of a new important polymetallic intersection
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Auplata (Euronext Growth – FR0010397760 – ALAUP). As announced in the last press releases, Brexia Gold Plata Peru (BGPP) has launched the expansion of the exploration program at the El Santo mine. This program has been working on some mineralized layers, most of which will be subjected to a resource's certification in the coming weeks. Indeed, a new drilling in the southeastern part has uncovered a significant new intersection of a mineralized sedimentary rock with a much higher potential than was previously exploited. Once this discovery confirmed, El Santo resources will greatly expand.
Significant new polymetallic intersections at South-East El Santo Mine, Lima confirm mineralization over ~160m
This perforation was made with two objectives:
- Drilling a potential at depth to intersected the Angel vein
- Strategic drilling at depth to intersected sediment hosted replacement
Hole ID | East East_WG S 84 |
North North_WG S 84 | Elevation | Azimuth | Dip | Length Total (m) |
DDH-ES-18-155 | 169282.95 | 8320389.65 | 4583.96 | 351.73 | (58.75) | 485.20 |
This lithological drilling begins with Volcanic Rocks (porphyritic Andesite, Breccia Andesite and Volcanic Gaps) up to 72.45 meters and at elevation 4522.00 m.s.n.m (meter above sea level). Then Metamorphic Rock has been cut; Quartzite intersercted with Slate horizons up to 319.05 m at elevation 4311.00 m.s.n.m, following sedimentary rocks as Limestones, shales, bituminous limestones.
The carbonate intersection (Sedimentary hosted replacement fig. below) comes from 319.05 m to 485.20 m depths (166.15 meters thickness). There, we found wackestone and greenish limestone with shales intercalation. The mineralization is irregular with zonation, disseminated forms, and irregular veins containing sphalerite. Also, we encountered, galena, chalcopyrite, calcite, rhodonite, pyrite.
The mineralization is restricted to the fault line, sulfides veins such as Zinc. The lead is associated with presence of rhodonite, calcite and limestone that are favorable boxing rocks. In that respect, the mineralization lineament and possible contact angles vary between 35° to 45°. The alteration is moderate to intense and the carbonation is weak to moderate.
The cutting of the Angel vein itself has been at elevation 4185.00 m.s.n.m., from 462.90 m to 466.10 m with a thickness of 3.20 m at the roof of a strong fault.
These pictures are intended to be illustrative of ongoing activities at BGPP's El Santo Mine project. The results of these activities can only be quantified through assays results. Assay results will be made public by way of press releases once completed by technical teams at BGPP and its independent contractors.
416.70 m - 417.60 m (0.90 m) Limestone with shades of yellowish-green to cream with propylitic alteration intercalated with shale at an 35° angle. More than that, we encountered sporadic micro-veins of calcite and pyrite, that are weakly fracture, spread in traces, and with a 45° contact zone.
417.60 m - 418.40 m (0.80 m) Shale intercalation with shades of yellowish green; there is a propylitic alteration with 30° average. Also, there are pyrite spreads, Silification-Wackstone-Pervasive that are weakly to moderately fractured in sections.
418.40 m - 419.30 m (0.90 m) Limestone with shades to yellowish green to cream caused by propylitic alteration. Presence of sporadic micro-veins of Quartz and calcite with patches of Galena and traces of Sphalerite with 30° of contact that are weakly fractured.
CALCITE VETA. (5.00 meters of cut)
455.90 m - 457.25 m (1.35 m) Massive altered rhodonite vein intercepted with white Quartz and Calcite. Pyrite spreads of 1% and traces of sulfides (Sphalerite and Galena), with a pseudodirection of 25° that are moderately fractured.
457.25 m - 457.45 m (0.20 m) Section of quartz-breached texture. Altered rhodonite and presence of sulfides (Pyrite 3%, Galena 1% and Sphalerite in traces) on matrix that are moderately fractured.
457.45 m - 458.40 m (0.95 m) Massive rhodonite vein altered intercalated with white Quartz and Calcite. Pyrite spreads of 1% and traces of sulfides (Sphalerite and Galena). Breccia taken at 457.95 m pot 10 cm that are moderately fractured.
458.40 m - 459.00 m (0.60 m) Section of quartz-breached texture. Altered rhodonite and presence of sulfides (Pyrite 3%, Sphalerite and Galena in traces) on the matrix that are moderately fractured.
459.00 m - 459.10 m (0.10 m). Breccia with fragments mineralized.
459.10 m - 459.90 m (0.80 m) Section of rhodonite altered with Calcite, interspersed with breached sections. Pyrite spreads in traces that are moderately fractured.
459.90 m - 460.00 m (0.10 m). Breccia with mineralized fragments.
460.00 m - 460.90 m (0.90 m). Disturbed rhodonite breccia section with some white Quartz. Pyrite spreads 1% with traces of sulfides (Sphalerite and Galena) that are moderately fractured.
VETA EL ANGEL (3.20 meters cut)
462.90 m - 464.00 m (1.10 m) Zone of veins and patches of Quartz. Rhodonite, veins and patches of sulfides (Sphalérite 7%, Galène 5% and Pyrite 3%) with 60° floor and 40° roof, Silification-Wackstone-Pervasive that is weakly fractured.
464.00 m - 464.40 m (0.40 m) Vein banded with white Quartz. Also, there is the presence of Calcite and some rhodonite. Quartz with brecciated aspect in contact with boxes and central part of the vein. Existence of patches of Sphalerite and Galena in traces, with 40° floor and 30° ceiling that are weakly fractured.
464.40 m - 464.65 m (0.25 m) Rhodonite rosacea veined texture. Altered rhodonite interspersed with white quartz. ¨Presence of sulphide patches (Pyrite 3%, Sphalerite and Galena in traces), with 30° floor and 50° ceiling that are weakly fractured.
464.65 m - 465.60 m (0.95 m) Section of white Quartz breccia and some altered Rhodonite. Presence of sulfides (Sphalerite and Galena 3%, Pyrite 1%) that are weakly fractured.
465.60 m - 466.10 m (0.50 m). Disturbed rhodonite breccia vein and quartz breccia in the central part with presence of sulphide vlls-path (Sph 10%, Gn 6%, Cpy 1%, Py 5%), with 45° floor and 15° roof, SIL-MOD -PER, weakly fractured.
About Auplata
Based in French Guiana, Auplata is the largest French, stock-market listed gold producer. The Company has more than 700 sq km of mining permits and titles in French Guyana. Auplata operates an innovative industrial and financial strategy, aimed at developing and exploiting Guianese gold resources with the strong involvement of local players. The Company's objective is to offer sustainable exploitation for the Guianese mining industry. Since June 2015, Auplata is a shareholder in the Co?te d'Ivoire mining company OMCI, which owns two mining projects in Co?te d'Ivoire.
Auplata's share are listed on the Euronext Growth market in Paris (Euronext). ISIN: FR0010397760 – ALAUP; ICB: 1777 – Gold Mining.
For more information about Auplata, go to: www.auplata.com.
Mathieu Omnes | Investor relations | [email protected] | +33 (0)1 53 67 36 92 |
Nicolas Bouchez | Press relations | [email protected] | +33 (0)1 53 67 36 74 |
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