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Tremor Video DSP Expands Its Connected TV Solutions to Meet Growing Advertiser Demand

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NEW YORK, March 05, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tremor Video DSP, the leading programmatic video platform, today announced the expansion of its suite of connected TV (CTV) capabilities that features its exclusive data partnerships. Tremor Video DSP has a longstanding commitment to providing innovative video solutions by choosing the most valuable, data enriched partners with unique audience reach, and this offering now allows brand advertisers the full potential of targeting those addressable audiences on connected devices.

Through its platform, marketers are able to engage CTV audiences with a granularity that was previously only offered on desktop or mobile. Tremor Video DSP’s comprehensive suite of CTV solutions includes seamless activation, holistic audience targeting, custom and advanced creative, as well as audience measurement and attribution.

“Brands are increasingly recognizing the value of CTV—it allows them to engage massive audiences with creative, cinematic storytelling while leveraging the targeting abilities of digital,” said Tremor Video DSP’s CEO Ofer Druker. “We are dedicated to helping marketers tell their stories as effectively as possible, and will continue to grow our partnerships to deliver on this promise.”

CTV is rapidly replacing traditional cable as nearly 72 percent of U.S. households now own at least one CTV device, which is an estimated 182.6 million users. It has become the centerpiece of the modern living room as it offers a fully viewable, non-skippable, premium video viewing environment that yields higher engagement and ad completion rates.

Tremor Video DSP’s CTV suite of solutions allows brands to reach more than 34 million viewing households on any device or platform on a one-to-one level through its exclusive partnership with Alphonso. Additionally, through its partnership with Dstillery, brands can layer their own data with a custom audience-building algorithm to discover new customers and extend their reach. Tremor Video DSP also gives brands and agencies access to its in-house creative studio, which can create the most relevant messaging that is customized based on their unique audiences.

Tremor Video DSP is expanding its CTV offerings as Taptica, its parent company, recently announced its acquisition of RhythmOne. Once the deal closes in early April, the combination of Tremor Video DSP and RhythmOne will create one of the largest video advertising companies in the industry with even greater access and reach into the CTV market due to the historical YuMe by RhythmOne offering.

Learn more about Tremor Video DSP’s CTV solutions here.

About Tremor Video DSP
Tremor Video DSP is the leading programmatic video platform, matching advertisers with audiences—wherever they may be. Delivering custom video experiences across all screens, we help advertisers tell captivating brand stories to create meaningful, personalized moments with prospective customers. Tremor Video DSP is a Taptica Company.

Media Contact
Brook Terran




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