Directorate Change
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Directorate Change
Seneca Growth Capital VCT Plc (the "Company")
11 October 2023
Appointment of Non-Executive Director
The Board of Seneca Growth Capital VCT Plc is delighted to announce that Ian Dighe was today appointed to the Board as non-executive Director of the Company. Ian has also joined the Company’s Audit Committee.
Ian has significant listed company experience, particularly in the investment banking, corporate broking, asset management and closed-end funds sectors. He was a co-founder of Bridgewell Group plc and was Chairman of Miton Group plc from February 2011, overseeing the successful refinancing and subsequent growth of the group. He retired from the Miton board in December 2017. He is Chairman of The Investment Company plc, an independent director of Edelweiss Holdings plc, and a director of a number of private companies and charities.
Ian will stand for election at the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held in 2024.
Disclosure pursuant to Listing Rule 9.6.13: Mr Ian Robert Dighe was a Director of AVPE Investments Limited which entered administration on 5 February 2021. The trading entities were successfully sold and AVPE Investments Limited was dissolved on 14 December 2021.
There is no additional information required to be disclosed pursuant to Listing Rule 9.6.13 in relation to the appointment of Ian.
For further information, please contact:
John Hustler, Seneca Growth Capital VCT Plc at [email protected]
Richard Manley, Seneca Growth Capital VCT Plc at [email protected]

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