Over 3.3M Meals Packed by Medtronic Employee Volunteers
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NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 17, 2023 / Medtronic employees are dedicated to helping others through volunteering and community engagement beyond their daily jobs. As part of the annual Medtronic volunteering drive, employees in Minneapolis packed 98,700 meals in just two days this summer - contributing to over 3.3M meals packed by Medtronic employees in partnership with Meals From The Heart. The meals are distributed to local food shelves.
Learn more about how employees' commitment to giving back makes an impact across communities.
View additional multimedia and more ESG storytelling from Medtronic on 3blmedia.com.
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Spokesperson: Medtronic
Website: https://www.3blmedia.com/profiles/medtronic
Email: [email protected]
SOURCE: Medtronic
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