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Tivoli states expectations for 2023 and presents expectations for 2024

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Tivoli has had a successful anniversary year with an increase in guests of 5% compared to 2022. Throughout 2023, 4.0 million guests visited the Tivoli Gardens, despite 2023 having a record-breaking rainfall.

Tivoli's most recently announced expectations for 2023 were a revenue of around DKK 1,200 million and a profit before tax of around DKK 100 million. Following the end of the year, Tivoli now expects a revenue of around DKK 1,210 million, which for Tivoli is a revenue record. Operating profit (EBITDA) is expected to be DKK 225 million, which is also a Tivoli record. A profit before tax of around DKK 110 million is now expected. Profit before tax is nearly DKK 25 million higher than in 2022 and thus close to the historical record year of 2018 of DKK 121 million. The profit before tax has even been produced on a lower amount guests in 2023. Tivoli's operation is in a strong position at the end of 2023, which enables further investments in the Gardens facilities, several new areas among other things.

In 2024, Tivoli expects a level of activity, revenue and profit before tax to be on par with 2023.

"Tivoli's result for 2023 is very pleasing. Over the course of the year, the Tivoli Gardens has been well visited with many happy guests, despite historically challenging weather and declining number of guests from neighboring markets. The profit, as it stands for 2023, creates a good foundation for the coming years, where Tivoli seriously start new investments for the guests of the Gardens“ says CEO, Susanne Mørch Koch.

Tivoli publishes its annual report for 2023 on 15th March 2024 and opens the summer season on 22nd March 2024.

Best regard

Tom Knutzen            Susanne Mørch Koch
Chairman                 CEO

Contact person: Head of press, Torben Plank phone 22237440 / [email protected]




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