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Teleios Capital Partners: Statement from significant Marel shareholder on JBT transaction agreement

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Teleios Capital Partners: Statement from significant Marel shareholder on JBT transaction agreement

PR Newswire

LONDON, April 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- 

Teleios Capital Partners LLC, a long-standing shareholder in Marel, has today issued the below statement.

Attributed to Adam Epstein, Co-Founder of Teleios Capital Partners:

"As a long-term shareholder for over five years, we wrote to Marel last November to convey our support for rebuffing JBT's initial approach, which we felt sought to capitalise on Marel's governance shortcomings. We welcome JBT's decision to revise its position, through both an improved valuation and more compelling deal structure, which we believe is to the benefit of all shareholders, including those who wish to participate in the combined company's upside. We support their current proposal."

For media enquiries, please contact Greenbrook:

[email protected], +44 207 952 2000

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