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Genoa, 5 October 2021 – EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A. closed the month of September 2021 with another exceptional result, an increase of 139% in contracts signed, equal to €16,266 million, compared to €6,812 million in 2020.
The company's progressive growth is also evident in the figures of the first nine months of the year compared to the same period of last year. Indeed, the value of the contracts signed, amounting to €97.047 million, is up around 268% compared to €26.361 million in 2020.
Moreover, as at 30 September 2021 – including the resources of the new Company located in Barcelona – the Group reached a total of 1,267 employees compared to 1,003 in September 2020, an increase of 26.3%.
EdiliziAcrobatica France confirmed its positive trend, seeing a 25% increase in the total value of contracts signed from January to September 2021.
Riccardo Iovino, CEO & founder of EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A., remarked that "The growth that we have seen in 2021 and highlighted in the half-yearly financial report continued through September. Now, driven by the absolute excellence of these numbers, we are preparing to face the last quarter of the year, confident in the trust that customers have placed in us and in our work".
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