UK 200 price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter G

You are currently viewing the UK 200 price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter G - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
GREENCOAT UK WIND ORD 1P 145.9 +0.60% 143.2 145.9 143.2 44,391 - -
GSK ORD 31 1/4P 1,777.0 +0.20% 1,780.0 1,781.0 1,771.5 700,978 - -
GRAFTON GRP. UT (1 ORD) (CDI) 934.0 +0.10% 930.0 940.0 930.0 12,648 - -
GLENCORE ORD USD0.01 460.65 -0.01% 462.10 463.35 459.40 1,194,948 - -
GAMES WORKSHOP GRP. ORD 5P 9,935 -0.10% 9,930 9,955 9,845 2,249 - -
GREGGS ORD 2P 2,798 -0.50% 2,800 2,806 2,786 3,970 - -
GRAINGER ORD 5P 267.0 -1.30% 271.5 271.5 267.0 22,543 - -