NZD currency pairs price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter N

You are currently viewing the NZD currency pairs price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter N - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
NZD/JPY 93.68 +0.43% 93.28 93.70 93.15 71,595 - -
NZD/USD 0.6020 +0.27% 0.6004 0.6026 0.5992 64,942 - -
NZD/HKD 4.7046 +0.25% 4.6931 4.7090 4.6838 20,156 - -
NZD/CHF 0.5459 +0.17% 0.5451 0.5463 0.5442 60,771 - -
NZD/SGD 0.8146 +0.10% 0.8138 0.8154 0.8127 38,204 - -
NZD/NOK 6.5484 +0.03% 6.5465 6.5637 6.5360 52,954 - -
NZD/DKK 4.1675 +0.00% 4.1674 4.1756 4.1609 17,223 - -
NZD/CAD 0.8238 -0.04% 0.8242 0.8252 0.8227 72,383 - -
NZD/MXN 10.1527 -0.05% 10.1582 10.1924 10.1421 225,185 - -
NZD/SEK 6.5410 -0.16% 6.5506 6.5613 6.5318 52,113 - -
NZD/ZAR 11.1275 -0.24% 11.1545 11.1637 11.0911 288,341 - -
NZD/HUF 216.61 -0.26% 217.16 217.47 216.49 94,425 - -
NZD/CZK 13.920 -0.38% 13.973 13.985 13.917 38,195 - -
NZD/PLN 2.3935 -0.39% 2.4028 2.4047 2.3928 17,939 - -