Europe Indices price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter C

You are currently viewing the Europe Indices price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter C - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
CAC MID 60 14,928.11 +0.36% 14,893.79 14,932.03 14,893.79 19,270 - -
CAC MID & SMALL 14,593.13 +0.36% 14,572.30 14,599.89 14,568.47 21,890 - -
CAC SMALL 12,361.74 +0.30% 12,363.88 12,418.96 12,348.23 6,601 - -
CDAX PERF INDEX 1,597.87 +0.28% 1,593.47 1,598.95 1,593.47 - - -
CAC NEXT 20 11,610.07 +0.13% 11,597.01 11,620.42 11,597.01 19,097 - -
CAC ALL-TRADABLE 6,022.67 -0.06% 6,027.28 6,034.89 6,020.62 174,218 - -
CAC LARGE 60 8,736.78 -0.09% 8,738.51 8,755.84 8,733.76 - - -
CAC40 INDEX 8,123.10 -0.10% 8,123.92 8,141.48 8,120.32 158,551 - -
CAC 40 NR 18,647.69 -0.10% 18,649.56 18,689.87 18,641.31 - - -
CAC 40 GR 24,925.80 -0.10% 24,928.30 24,982.18 24,917.27 - - -
CAC ALL SHARES 9,744.34 -0.14% 9,757.77 9,763.70 9,740.21 175,486 - -
CAC LEVERAGE NR 6,112.337 -0.22% 6,113.566 6,140.021 6,108.150 - - -