CHF currency pairs price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter C

You are currently viewing the CHF currency pairs price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter C - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
CHF/MXN 18.6501 +0.08% 18.6355 18.6554 18.6214 13,546 - -
CHF/JPY 171.27 +0.08% 171.13 171.40 170.91 24,764 - -
CAD/CHF 0.6618 +0.06% 0.6614 0.6620 0.6611 14,795 - -
CHF/SEK 12.0182 -0.01% 12.0179 12.0231 12.0043 7,125 - -
CHF/HUF 398.27 -0.03% 398.38 398.50 398.00 19,606 - -
CHF/CZK 25.621 -0.05% 25.634 25.645 25.614 26,804 - -
CHF/PLN 4.4057 -0.06% 4.4082 4.4092 4.4038 11,045 - -
CHF/CNH 7.95641 -0.06% 7.96098 7.96225 7.95546 60,742 - -
CHF/SGD 1.4921 -0.06% 1.4930 1.4933 1.4915 12,485 - -
CHF/DKK 7.6403 -0.06% 7.6449 7.6467 7.6380 19,712 - -
CHF/NOK 12.0010 -0.07% 12.0101 12.0137 11.9943 7,158 - -
CHF/ZAR 20.4450 -0.09% 20.4630 20.4833 20.4376 62,136 - -
CHF/HKD 8.6021 -0.09% 8.6096 8.6117 8.6017 10,510 - -
CHF/TRY 35.5170 -0.18% 35.5859 35.6249 35.5102 11,810 - -