CAD currency pairs price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter C

You are currently viewing the CAD currency pairs price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter C - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
CAD/JPY 113.69 +0.45% 113.18 113.76 113.03 88,899 - -
CAD/HKD 5.7135 +0.34% 5.6940 5.7140 5.6894 23,523 - -
CAD/CNH 5.27994 +0.28% 5.26498 5.28010 5.26318 182,556 - -
CAD/SGD 0.9888 +0.14% 0.9874 0.9891 0.9870 47,111 - -
CAD/CHF 0.6623 +0.14% 0.6614 0.6629 0.6611 75,033 - -
CAD/DKK 5.0589 +0.06% 5.0560 5.0670 5.0528 86,934 - -
CAD/HUF 263.26 -0.08% 263.47 263.88 262.69 87,019 - -
CAD/NOK 7.9357 -0.09% 7.9428 7.9665 7.9314 52,731 - -
CAD/MXN 12.309 -0.12% 12.324 12.363 12.307 82,926 - -
CAD/SEK 7.9341 -0.18% 7.9486 7.9659 7.9223 51,596 - -
CAD/ZAR 13.5028 -0.22% 13.5332 13.5530 13.4563 389,737 - -
CAD/CZK 16.904 -0.29% 16.953 16.976 16.882 86,424 - -
CAD/PLN 2.9066 -0.30% 2.9154 2.9202 2.9030 57,888 - -