NZD currency pairs price list and quotes - Previous close change

You are currently viewing the NZD currency pairs price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
NZD/CHF 0.5576 +0.50% 0.5549 0.5578 0.5538 74,967 - -
NZD/JPY 95.49 +0.34% 95.17 95.58 95.08 93,447 - -
NZD/HUF 218.54 +0.22% 218.04 218.72 217.67 120,387 - -
NZD/PLN 2.4045 +0.16% 2.4004 2.4062 2.3994 21,708 - -
NZD/DKK 4.2105 +0.15% 4.2042 4.2129 4.1968 17,562 - -
NZD/USD 0.6132 +0.15% 0.6124 0.6140 0.6101 73,314 - -
NZD/HKD 4.7845 +0.15% 4.7776 4.7910 4.7601 22,858 - -
NZD/SEK 6.5706 +0.14% 6.5607 6.5777 6.5534 63,957 - -
NZD/CAD 0.8350 +0.14% 0.8338 0.8356 0.8320 83,302 - -
NZD/SGD 0.8249 +0.08% 0.8241 0.8256 0.8222 47,348 - -
NZD/CZK 13.933 +0.07% 13.923 13.946 13.879 51,159 - -
GBP/NZD 2.0706 +0.07% 2.0691 2.0732 2.0680 158,628 - -
NZD/ZAR 11.1312 +0.03% 11.1268 11.1695 11.1011 342,121 - -
AUD/NZD 1.0911 +0.00% 1.0911 1.0923 1.0891 82,598 - -
NZD/NOK 6.5509 -0.02% 6.5519 6.5666 6.5413 64,935 - -
EUR/NZD 1.7721 -0.14% 1.7747 1.7780 1.7709 70,384 - -
NZD/MXN 10.1848 -0.29% 10.2148 10.2270 10.1716 229,242 - -