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Nortal neemt Questers, een internationaal bedrijf dat gedistribueerde software ontwikkelt, over van TPXimpact PR Newswire LONDEN, 18 september 2023 Nortal zal Questers samenvoegen met haar dochteronderneming pwrteams De strategische overname versterkt de aanwezigheid van pwrteams, de toegang tot talent en het vermogen om grensoverschrijdende IT- en engineeringteams op te bouwen voor de klanten De acquisitie is het nieuwste onderdeel in Nortal's Europese expansieplan volgend op de toetreding tot...
Nortal acquiert Questers, une société internationale de développement de logiciels distribués de TPXimpact PR Newswire LONDRES, 18 septembre 2023 Nortal fusionnera Questers avec sa filiale pwrteams Cette acquisition stratégique renforce la présence de pwrteams, son accès aux talents et sa capacité à constituer des équipes transfrontalières de TI et d'ingénierie pour les clients Cette acquisition est la dernière composante du programme d'expansion européenne de Nortal, après son...
Nortal acquires Questers, an international distributed software development company from TPXimpact PR Newswire LONDON, Sept. 18, 2023 Nortal will merge Questers with its subsidiary pwrteams Strategic acquisition strengthens pwrteams' footprint, access to talent and ability to build cross-border IT and engineering teams for the customers Acquisition is the latest component in Nortal's European expansion plan following UK market entry and appointment of Thomas Hedley as Managing Director a few...
Nortal acquires Questers, an international distributed software development company from TPXimpact PR Newswire LONDON, Sept. 18, 2023 Nortal will merge Questers with its subsidiary pwrteams Strategic acquisition strengthens pwrteams' footprint, access to talent and ability to build cross-border IT and engineering teams for the customers Acquisition is the latest component in Nortal's European expansion plan following UK market entry and appointment of Thomas Hedley as Managing Director a few...
CEO of The Panoply, Neal Gandhi, outlines the market opportunity in digital transformation and how the group plans to address it through a series of regional ......