Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): AGMEGM Mobimo Holding AG: Annual General Meeting of Mobimo Holding AG approves all proposals 12-Apr-2022 / 20:00 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Annual General Meeting of Mobimo Holding AG approves all proposals Lucerne, 12 April 2022 - Mobimo Holding AG held its 22 nd Annual General Meeting today. After having to...
Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Miscellaneous Mobimo Holding AG: Mobimo plans capital increase to continue its growth strategy 21-March-2022 / 07:00 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR FOR RELEASE IN SWITZERLAND - THIS IS A RESTRICTED COMMUNICATION AND YOU MUST NOT FORWARD IT OR ITS CONTENTS TO ANY PERSON TO WHOM FORWARDING THIS COMMUNICATION IS...
EQS-Ad-hoc: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Annual Results Mobimo Holding AG: A successful 2021 11-Feb-2022 / 07:00 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Ad hoc press release pursuant to article 53 Listing Rules A successful 2021 ›› Net rental income up year on year to CHF 112.5 million (prior year: CHF 105.1 million). ›› Profit on development projects and sale of trading properties...
EQS-News: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Miscellaneous Mobimo Holding AG: Mobimo strengthens portfolio and pipeline with acquisitions in the canton of Zurich and French-speaking Switzerland 22.12.2021 / 17:45 Mobimo strengthens portfolio and pipeline with acquisitions in the canton of Zurich and French-speaking Switzerland Lucerne, 22 December 2021 - Mobimo has acquired a site with development potential in the Zurich conurbation and three commercial properties in medium-sized cities in...
EQS Group-News: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Miscellaneous Mobimo Holding AG: Climate-neutral in 2050: Mobimo unveils CO2 reduction path 26.11.2021 / 18:00 Climate-neutral in 2050: Mobimo unveils CO 2 reduction path Lucerne, 26 November 2021 - Mobimo's real estate portfolio is to be CO 2 neutral by 2050. The company will invest around CHF 40 million annually on making renovations and optimisations. From next year, Mobimo will also be in a position to issue green bonds to fund sustainable...
EQS Group-News: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Personnel Mobimo Holding AG: Stéphane Maye to be proposed for election to the Board of Directors 03.11.2021 / 18:00 Stéphane Maye to be proposed for election to the Board of Directors Lucerne, 3 November 2021 - The Board of Directors of Mobimo Holding AG will propose to the Company's shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on April 12, 2022 that Stéphane Maye is elected to the Board of Directors. Stéphane was born in 1967 in the...
EQS Group-Ad-hoc: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Half Year Results Mobimo Holding AG: Pleasing half-year result for Mobimo 30-Jul-2021 / 07:00 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Ad hoc press release pursuant to article 53 Listing Rules Pleasing half-year result for Mobimo ›› Net rental income up year on year at CHF 55.9 million (prior year: CHF 52.0 million) due to a less pronounced "Covid...
EQS Group-News: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Miscellaneous Mobimo: Project sold to a Swiss Real Estate Fund 08.06.2021 / 07:00 Project with building permission sold to a Swiss Real Estate Fund Lucerne, 8 June 2021 - Mobimo has sold the "Cosmos" project, which has received building permission and is located in the Zurich metropolitan area, to a Swiss Real Estate Fund. The transaction was made possible thanks to active portfolio management and the company's in-house development expertise. The...
EQS Group-News: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Sustainability Mobimo Holding AG: Mobimo publishes 2020 Sustainability Report 04.06.2021 / 07:00 Mobimo publishes 2020 Sustainability Report Lucerne, 4 June 2021 - As a company that takes a long-term view, Mobimo has for many years factored sustainability criteria into its business activity. Mobimo's 2020 Sustainability Report represents the tenth time in succession that the company has reported on its sustainability performance in terms of the...
EQS Group-News: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Bond Mobimo Holding AG issues bond of CHF 200 million 13.04.2021 / 18:00 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA AND THE UNITED KINGDOM Press release Mobimo Holding AG issues bond of CHF 200 million Lucerne, 13 April 2021 - Mobimo Holding AG today announces the issue of a 5.8-year CHF 200 million straight bond with a coupon of 0.25% (payment date 19 May 2021). The proceeds of the bond shall be used to replace...
EQS Group-Ad-hoc: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): AGMEGM Annual General Meeting of Mobimo Holding AG approves all requests 30-March-2021 / 18:03 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Press release Annual General Meeting of Mobimo Holding AG approves all requests Lucerne, 30 March 2021 - The 21st Annual General Meeting of Mobimo Holding AG took place today in Lucerne. In Accordance with COVID-19...
EQS Group-News: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Miscellaneous Information on the Agglolac project 19.03.2021 / 07:00 Press release Information on the Agglolac project Lucerne, 19 March 2021 - Mobimo regrets that a majority of the town councillors of Biel/Bienne and Nidau have rejected the Aggloac project in its existing form. Mobimo will work with the cities to evaluate the situation and will in due course provide information on the way forward. The Agglolac planning project will not have any...
EQS Group-Ad-hoc: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Annual Results Mobimo Holding AG: A challenging but successful financial year 05-Feb-2021 / 07:00 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. A challenging but successful financial year ›› Despite portfolio growth, net rental income was down slightly year on year as a consequence of coronavirus, at CHF 105.1 million versus CHF 106.7 million in 2019...
EQS Group-Ad-hoc: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Personnel Mobimo Holding AG: Changes to the Board of Directors of Mobimo Holding AG 03-Dec-2020 / 18:00 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Changes to the Board of Directors of Mobimo Holding AG Lucerne/Küsnacht, 3 December 2020 - The Board of Directors of Mobimo Holding AG will propose the election of Sabrina Contratto as a new member of the...
EQS Group-Ad-hoc: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Half Year Results Mobimo Holding AG: Mobimo reports a positive half-year result 31-Jul-2020 / 07:00 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Mobimo reports a positive half-year result ›› Rental income totalled CHF 60.1 million (first half of 2019: CHF 60.9 million). ›› Profit amounted to CHF 41.7 million (first half of 2019: CHF 43.5 million)...
EQS Group-Ad-hoc: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Personnel Mobimo Holding AG: Gerhard Demmelmair to lead Mobimo's Portfolio and Transactions business area 30-Jun-2020 / 17:45 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Gerhard Demmelmair to lead Mobimo's Portfolio and Transactions business area Lucerne/Küsnacht, 30 June 2020 - The Board of Directors of Mobimo Holding AG has appointed Gerhard...
EQS Group-Ad-hoc: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Miscellaneous Mobimo Holding AG: Business update regarding the impact of the coronavirus crisis on Mobimo 04-Jun-2020 / 07:00 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Business update regarding the impact of the coronavirus crisis on Mobimo ›› No impact on residential portfolio (just under 40% of rental income from investment properties) ››...
EQS Group-Ad-hoc: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Personnel Mobimo Holding AG: Stefan Hilber to become CFO of Mobimo 28-Apr-2020 / 19:00 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Stefan Hilber to become CFO of Mobimo Lucerne/Küsnacht, 28 April 2020 - The Board of Directors of Mobimo Holding AG has named Stefan Hilber (born 1981) as Mobimo's next Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Mr Hilber will take over...
EQS Group-Ad-hoc: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): Personnel Mobimo Holding AG: Change in the Board of Directors of Mobimo Holding AG 21-Apr-2020 / 07:00 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Change in the Board of Directors of Mobimo Holding AG Lucerne/Küsnacht, 21 April 2020 - Dr. Christoph Caviezel is stepping down from the Board of Directors of Mobimo Holding AG today. He will accept a new...
EQS Group-Ad-hoc: Mobimo Holding AG / Key word(s): AGMEGM/AGMEGM Mobimo Holding AG: Ordinary Annual General Meeting of Mobimo Holding AG 31-March-2020 / 18:00 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. General Meeting of Mobimo Holding AG Lucerne, 31 March 2020 - The 20th Ordinary Annual General Meeting of Mobimo Holding AG took place today in Lucerne. Due to the exceptional situation caused by the...